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Lowering target prices to reflect near-term tightening risk We lower our 12-month target prices across our coverage group by 0%- 32% after increasing our target price discounts to NAV by 0-20 percentage points (to within a range of 10%-40% from our prior 0%-30% range). This reflects our concern of greater uncertainty arising from recent government macro tightening. Although we believe its purpose is to slow, rather than reverse, China’s economic recovery, we believe the tightening could affect the pace of developers selling properties or realizing their land bank value in the near-term and could therefore weigh on share price performance. 本站免费提供《高盛对中国房地产开发商深度研究》下载,我们己经对《高盛对中国房地产开发商深度研究》进行全面的整理检查,以保证您安全的下载《高盛对中国房地产开发商深度研究》,如果下载的压缩文件需要密码那就是本站的网址 http://www.xiaozhibei.com,高盛对中国房地产开发商深度研究的文件大小为507 KB,本站还有大量关于房地产市场研究,方面的资源提供下载哦,可以多找找。为下次能方便快速的找到本站,记得收藏我们的网址(http://www.xiaozhibei.com)哦!