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城市与自然的诗学:走向城市设计新美学 , 1989, 6(1),加州大学伯克利学院
Spirn,安妮惠斯顿。 (1989年)。诗学:城市与自然走向城市新的美学


The Poetics of City and Nature: Toward a New Aesthetic for Urban Design

Journal Issue:
Places, 6(1)

Spirn, Anne Whiston

Publication Date:

Publication Info:
Places, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley

Spirn, Anne Whiston. (1989). The Poetics of City and Nature: Toward a New Aesthetic for Urban
Design. Places, 6(1), 82.

places, placemaking, architecture, environment, landscape, urban design, public realm, planning, design, aesthetic, poetics, Anne Whiston Spirn

The city has been compared to a poem, a sculpture, a machine. But the city is more than a text,and more than an artistic or technological. It is a place where natural forces pulse and millions of people live—thinking,feeling,dreaming,doing. An aesthetic of urban design must therefore be rooted in the normal processes of nature and of living.
I want to describe the dimensions of such an aesthetic. This aesthetic encompasses both nature and culture; it embodies function,sensory perception, and symbolic meaning; and it embraces both the making of things and places and the sensing, using, and contemplating of them. This aesthetic is concerned equally with everyday things and with art: with small things, such as fountains, gardens, and buildings, and with large systems, such as those that transport people or carry wastes. This aesthetic celebrates motion and change, encompasses dynamic processes rather than static objects and scenes, and embraces multiple rather than singular visions. This is not a timeless aesthetic, but one that recognizes both the flow of passing time and the singularity of the moment in time, and one that demands both continuity and revolution.

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