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压力容器的设计与实践(Pressure Vessels Design and Practice)
- 大小:3.85 MB
- 语言:简体中文
- 类型:化工书籍
- 下载次数:9285次
- 更新时间:10-15 22:58:41
- 名称: 压力容器的设计与实践(Pressure Vessels Design and Practice)
- 应用平台:|WinXP|Win7|WinAll|
- 资料介绍
压力容器的设计与实践(Pressure Vessels Design and Practice).pdf
CH01 1
Chapter 1: Overview of pressure vessels 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Development of pressure vessel construction codes 9
References 13
Additional Readings 13
CH02 15
Chapter 2: Pressure vessel design philosophy 15
2.1 General overview 15
2.2 Structural and material considerations 19
2.3 Factor of safety 23
2.4 Design by rule 24
2.5 Design by analysis 24
References 25
CH03 26
Chapter 3: Structural design criteria 26
3.1 Modes of failure 26
3.2 Theories of failure 26
3.3 Theories of failure used in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 29
3.4 Allowable stress limits in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 30
3.5 Service limits 33
3.6 Design for cyclic loading 35
3.7 Protection against fracture 36
References 37
Problems 37
CH04 38
Chapter 4: Stress categories and stress limits 38
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