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[10-15 23:07:09] 来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com 英语作文 阅读:9662次假如你是某报的记者,写一篇对大学生及专家的就业观点进行采访的报道.100词左右.
As a new job-seeking season has just started, some undergraduates and professionals are interviewed about their opinions on employment.
Most of the undergraduates plan to seek well-paid jobs. Some of them are still observing current situation and considering. Minority of those being interviewed said that they intend to start their own business.
However, some of professionals do have different opinions. Their advice is that undergraduates, rather than waiting for well-paid job, should start working as soon as possible so that they can accumulate more work experiences. Furthermore, they can get paid and be financially independent. The employment situation may be getting worse next year.
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