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- 大小:802 KB
- 语言:简体中文
- 类型:考研专业课试题
- 下载次数:9543次
- 更新时间:10-12 23:20:23
- 名称: 华南理工大学2004年英语综合考研试卷
- 应用平台:|WinXP|Win7|WinAll|
- 资料介绍
a. ingenuous
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b. existent
c. indigenous
d. exigent
6. He _____ his breakfast and rushed for the train.
a. ingested
b. swallowed
c. devoted
d. supped
7. He stood at the ship’s stern watching the shore ______ from view.
a. retrograde
b. retreat
c. recede
d. retract
8. He _____no bones about stating his opinions and criticizing others.
a. had
b. went
c. wanted
d. made
9. We should not_____ the pioneering work done by these early astronomers.
a. disparage
b. dispel
c. display
d. dispassionate
10. She wanted to join the expedition but I frightened her______.
a. off
b. into
c. away
d. over
11. We decided to______ our journey at Washington before traveling to Vancouver.
a. stop
b. make
c. rest
d. break
12. What does the cost of converting the present building ______?
a. run out of
b. run out on
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