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  • 大小:291 KB
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 类型:考研专业课试题
  • 下载次数:9302
  • 更新时间:10-12 23:20:23
  • 名称:
  • 应用平台:|WinXP|Win7|WinAll|

Part I. Linguistics (75 points)
1. Define the following terms (15 points)
1). bound morpheme
2). allophone
3). phonology
4). sense relations
5). parole
6). constituent
7). pragmatics
8). reference
9). proposition
10). interlanguage

2. Answer the following questions (10 points):
1). What are the design features of human language?
2). What is the difference between narrow transcription and broad transcription?

3. Analyze the linguistic data according to the requirements (30 points)
1). Diagram the following sentence by way of IC-analysis:
The pretty girl put on her red and blue coat, kissed her mother, and left.

2). The following infinitives and past participle verb forms are found in Dutch.
Root Infinitive Past Participle
Wandel Wandelen gewandeld “walk”
Duw duwen geduwd “push”
Zag zagen gezegd “saw”

With reference to the morphological processes of prefixing, suffixing, infixing and circumfixing:
a. State the morphological rule for forming an infinitive in Dutch.
b. State the morphological rule for forming the Dutch past participle form.

3). Analyze and explain the referential relationship between the nominal phrases in each of the following sentences:
a. John likes himself.
b. John likes him.
c. John likes John.

4). Explain the rules and principles underlying the ungrammaticality involved in the following sentences:
a. *Is the man who tall is cleaver?
b. *The boy likes probably the girl.
c. *The doors were broke and the windows.

4. Write on the following topics (20XXoints)
1). Competent and performance
2). Language Acquisition Device

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标签: 试题  考研  华南理工大学  语言学  文学   考研专业课试题

