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[10-15 23:07:42] 来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com 英语作文 阅读:9155次A Flood Disaster
A flood disaster took place in some areas in China. It had been raining all those days and never stopped, which led to the flood. The PLA men arrived immediately to rescue the villagers of the flooded areas. And they did their best to fight against the flood. They supplied the villagers with fresh vegetables and food. Some medical teams were organized to help them so that they could have healthy diet. Poisonous food and dead animals were not allowed to be eaten and the water must be cleared over and over again before being drunk. The doctors told them to pay special attention to their health. Some leaders of our country also inspected the areas. Supplies and money from all parts of our country were sent to those areas to support them. After a long time, everything went on very well. And that was a sign of victory.
标签: 暂无联系方式 英语作文
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