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  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:655 KB托业考试

    · There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The argument for this view goes as...

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:999 KB托业考试

    · Question 1-10In the 1600 s when the Spanish moved into what later was to become the southwestern United States, they encoun- tered the ancestors of the modern-day Pueblo, Hopi, and Zuni peoples.

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:6.44 MB托业考试

    · Question 1-7Hotels were among the earliest facilities that bound the United States together. They were both creatures and creators of communities, as well as symptoms of the frenetic quest for co

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:6.28 MB托业考试

    · Question 1-9Although social changes in the United States were being wrought throughout most of the nineteenth-century,, public awareness of the changes increased to new levels in the 1890 s. The

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:633 KB托业考试

    · Questions 1-11Before the 1500 s, the western plains of North America were dominated by farmers. One group, the Mandans, lived in the upper Missouri River country, primarily in present-day North D

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:183 KB托业考试

    · Part A1. A: I need to go across town, but the traffic is so heavy this time of day.B: When you take the subway, you don't have to deal with traffic. I never drive any more.What does

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:855 KB托业考试

    · Question 1-8With Robert Laurent and William Zorach, direct carving enters into the story of modern sculpture in the United States. Direct carving - in which the sculptors themselves carve stone o

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    · Question 1-9The ocean bottom - a region nearly 2.5 times greater than the total land area of the Earth - is a vast frontier that even today is largely unexplored and uncharted. Until about a cent

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    · Questions 1-13Atmospheric pressure can support a column of water up to 10 meters high. But plants can move water much higher, the sequoia tree can pump water to its very top, more than 100 meters

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:6.20 MB托业考试

    · Questions 1-7Joyce Carol Oates published her first collection of short stories. By The Gate, in 1963, two years after she had received her master's degree from the University of Wisconsin and

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:7.20 MB托业考试

    · Question 1-12Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:2.14 MB托业考试

    · Question 1-8When Jules Verne wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1864, there were many conflicting theories about the nature of the Earth's interior. Some geologists thought that it c

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:966 KB托业考试

    · Question 1-8Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the Civil War, with some of t

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:8.22 MB托业考试

    · 一、托业常识:托业考试共分两个部分,听力和阅读共两个小时,其中听力占_____分钟,阅读占_____分钟。二、托业词汇:duplicate punctuality monitor directory overtimework force appointment strike staff partiti...

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:4.37 MB托业考试

    · 11。 What aspect of panel paintings does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Famous examples(B) Different styles(C) Restoration(D) Production12。 According to the passage, what does

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:824 KB托业考试

    · More recently, professional archaeologists have taken over。 These researchers have sought to demonstrate that their work can be a valuable tool not only of science but also of history, providing fr...

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:6.02 MB托业考试

    · Crows are probably the most frequently met and easily identifiable members of the native fauna of the United States 。 The great number of tales, legends, and myths about these birds indicates that ...

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:6.68 MB托业考试

    · 6。 In his research at Columbia University, Charles Townes worked with all of the following EXCEPT(A) stimulated emission(B) microwaves(C) light amplification(D) a maser7。In ap