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  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:443 KB托福考试

    · 99年1月 托福听力文字1. Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesn't start till seven.I don't want to be at the traffic there. It's a nightmare on th

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:914 KB托福考试

    · 96年8月 托福听力文字Part A1.I'm really exhausted, but I don't want to miss that documentary that comes on at eleven.If I were you. I'd skip

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    · 96年10月 托福听力文字1. I want to play tennis tomorrow but I didn't bring my racket with me this evening.Do you have one I could borrow? What does the man

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:451 KB托福考试

    · 97 年01月 托福听力文字Part A1. A: I invited your mother to lunch yesterday. But she said she didn’t have any free time.B: Yeah. She’s just got a new job.

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    · 97年5月 托福听力文字Part A1. A:B:(N/A)2. A: My cousin Bob is getting married in California. And I can’t decide whether to go.B: It’s a long tri

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:584 KB托福考试

    · 97年8月 托福听力文字Part A1. A: You know the noise in my dorm has really gotten out of control. My roommate andI can rarely get to sleep before midnight.

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    · 97年10月 托福听力文字Part A1. A: Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?B: You know money seems to be burning a hold in my pocket latterly. Maybe next month.Wh

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    · 97年12月 北美听力文字Part A1. A: Have you been to the new gym since it opened?B: Are you kidding? Tomorrow’s the deadline for my project.What does the ma

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:2.31 MB托福考试

    · 96年5月 托福听力文字1. Would you like some milk in your coffee?Please.What does the woman mean?2. Could you help bother me plan a surprise party for Meg?Sure. What can I do?<br

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:939 KB托福考试

    · 98年8月 北美听力文字Part A1. A: Would you like to go to the movies with Lois and me on Friday?B: I wish I could, but I’m having dinner at my brother’s.Wh

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    · 98年5月 托福听力文字考试资料 考 试 网1. The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?I'm afraid I just ran out of film

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    · 98 年10 月听力文字Part A1. A: A bunch of us are getting together to go to the basketball game on Saturdayafternoon. You want to come?B: Oh, I’d love to

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    · 99 年8 月 托福听力文字www.xiaozhibei.comPart A1. A: I was going to get something to eat at the cafeteria, but it seems to be closed.B: Oh, that’s because it’s Sunday.

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:271 KB托福考试

    · 阅读部分 第1篇,:讲谁是先入驻 North America 的人文章中提到了两帮专家支持两种说法:一种认为是 pre-C,一种认为是 C,文章提到,除了在一个clogged river的一个layer发现一些遗迹是支持Pre-c是先入之外,pre-C的遗迹...

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:991 KB托福考试

    · 听力部分的主要内容长对话:学生找老师,说是收到一个罚款。老师说是他用大功率电器,学生说我就一个台灯也不合格?老师说一个月以前就已经公布过了那些合格可以使用那些不能用。然后学生说那怎么办呢,罚款能不能商...

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:585 KB托福考试

    · 写作部分 1.综合写作阅读:政府有个政策,保护旧房子,防止被新房子替代,文章认为不好,原因如下:1.好房子很多设施,比如下水道堵,取暖不好,不方便现代人居住要求;2.老房子占了很多好位置,不能盖商店、夜生活区...

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    · TOEFLREADING199308BM(5)

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    · TOEFLREADING199308BM(4)

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:942 KB托福考试

    · 98年01月 托福听力文字Part A1. A: The tickets for that rock concert finally go on sale next Saturday at five o’clock.B: I heard that anyone who wants one had b

  • 更新时间:11-23 大小:285 KB托福考试

    · 98年8月 托福听力文字1. M: I don't think you have time to send out the invitations to all the students.W: Oh, yes. I will.Q: What do we learn about the wom

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:8.63 MB托福考试

    · 1. While play is important at all levels of human development, _________ takes on particular significance when children are five and six years old.A. itB. andC. whichD.

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:139 KB托福考试

    · 1. All the major cities of the United States, ________ the cities of the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico, began as centers of trade.A. and to includeB. which includingC. inc

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:6.67 MB托福考试

    · 1. At the time of Columbus' voyages, Native Americans used an astounding diversity of languages, ________ the diversity used by Europeans.A. the greatest by farB. by far than grea

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:157 KB托福考试

    · 1. The coal industry is important to every industrial nations because most other industries are directly or indirectly dependent on it.答案:A分析及考点:同样表示每个,所有,every应该跟名词单

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:4.70 MB托福考试

    · 1、what time in a year do you like most?2、Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a person.3、看一篇听一篇然后回答问题 text-> university decision : no parking o

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:8.66 MB托福考试

    · 1、What qualities should a leader have?2、Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth?3、Reading:大学准备关闭学生的art gallery。Listening: 男生反对该决议:(1.) 该大学艺术系学生多,作...

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:6.24 MB托福考试

    · 1、your first years in your childhood school.当你是小孩子的时候,你喜不喜欢上学,第一年的学习。为什么?2、the people, such as musician, actors, athlete, could give a good example to young people.3、 文...

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:633 KB托福考试

    · 1. Frances Perkins, _________ of the United States cabinet, served in the cabinet as secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945.A. the first female memberB. was the first female member<

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:953 KB托福考试

    · 11.- M1: I was going to take organic chemistry next semester---but now it’s been cut.- M2: I heard the university’s going to double the tuition, too.What can be inferred about the unive

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:2.89 MB托福考试

    · 1.-W: Do you know anyone who can translate this document?- M: What about the new secretary? I heard he’s bilingual.What does the man mean?2.-W: Did you hear the weather r

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:893 KB托福考试

    · 1. Bubbles, flaws, and other irregularities diffuse the light that passes through stained glass, _________ the glass sparkle.A. which makingB. and makingC. makingD. to m

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:585 KB托福考试

    · 1. The American clipper ship era was of duration short, extending from about 1845 to 1859. 答案:B分析及考点:词序的颠倒,应该改成short duration.只有特殊情况修饰成分后置。参考译文:美国的剪帆船的时期...

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:3.16 MB托福考试

    · 21.- W: If Professor Thomson was willing to give us a three-day extension to finish the project, maybe she’ll give us a few more days.- M: Let’s not push our luck, okay?What does the ma

  • 更新时间:10-12 大小:1.49 MB托福考试

    · 1. _________ denotes currency in circulation plus bank deposits.A. The term “money supply”B. The term is “money supply”C. When the term “money supply”D. “Money supply” i