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七年级英语Welcome to Sunshine Town同步练习

[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9290

 初一在整个初中阶段很重要,有扎实的基础,会使学习更加轻松。下面就为您推荐内容七年级英语Welcome to Sunshine Town同步练习。希望您学习成绩突飞猛进。

七年级英语Welcome to Sunshine Town同步练习


1. This ____________(金色的) watch is very expensive.

2. You can see the __________(宝座) in Taihe Palace.

3. What will you do ___________(明天)?

4. There are ___________(满的) of students in the classroom.

5. We can see fine works of __________(艺术) there.

6. That ____________(听起来) great.

7. They go to see the exhibitions at the Palace M___________.

8. Can you tell me when you will __________(离开)?

9. Would you like to visit Sunshine Town? Let me show you a__________.

10. I get up very late, so I __________(错过) the early bus.

11. Our teacher lives n .

12. It’s a fine and s day, isn’t it?

13. There’s nothing (剩下)in the fridge.

14. My mother (订购)milk for me as breakfast.

15. We are going to the park i of staying at home.

16. There is much air (污染)in my hometown.

17. I like all the (当地的)food in the restaurants.


1.There is no milk in the glass.(对划线部分提问)

milk is there in the glass?

2.Lisa went to bed after she finished her homework.(同义句)

Lisa to bed she finished her homework.

3.It is such a beautiful park that everyone likes it.(同义句)

The park is beautiful that everyone likes it.

4.There is no food in the fridge.(同义句)

There food in the fridge.

5.I bought a lot of vegetables.

you ?



Jiangsu is in.


I there will be in big cities


Let’s go to the .


I like town my bike.



1. golden 2. throne 3. tomorrow 4. full 5. art 6. sounds 7. Museum 8. leave 9. around 10. miss 11. nearby 12. sunny 13. left 14. orders 15. instead 16. pollution 17. local

二. 1. How much 2. didn’t go until 3. so

4. isn’t any 5. What did buy

三. 1. a good place to live 2. hope less pollution 3. sports centre 4. going to on


标签: Sunshine   初一英语试卷
