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I want to be an actor同步练习

[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9365

 初一在整个初中阶段很重要,有扎实的基础,会使学习更加轻松。下面就为您推荐内容 I want to be an actor同步练习 。希望您学习成绩突飞猛进。

I want to be an actor同步练习

一 根据句意和汉语提示完成句子

1. His work is very interesting but (有点危险).

2. He is a policeman. (小偷)don’t like him.

3. She likes (与人们交谈).

4 They work in a (医院),they’re (护士).

5. This book is very (有趣的), we are (感兴趣的) in it.

二. 单项选择

1. The boy wants to get more money his mother.

A. to B. on C. from D. in

2. There is much in the bag.

A. books B. pens C. moneys D. money

3. Doctors and nurses white uniforms when they’re at work.

A. wear B. wears C. put on D. puts on

4. His mother is ill. He to look after her.

A. is in a hospital B. is in hospital. C. be in hospital D. be in a hospital

5. His father works _____ a hospital ______ a doctor.

A. in, as B. at, of C. in, of D. as , in

6. I have a lot of _______to do every day.

A. work B. job C. works D. jobs

7. These______ are all in white.

A. woman nurse B. women nurse C. woman nurses D. women nurses

8. I like _____ to people and _______ books.

A. to talk, read B. talking, reading C. talk, read D. talk, to read

*9. My mother often asks me _______late for my class.

A. not be B. not to be C. am not D. not being

*10. His uncle _____ she is coming.

A. speaks B. says C. tells D. talks

三. 完形填空

Mr Johnson works 1 a big factory. His wife 2 in the same factory. Mr. Johnson is nearsighted(近视). But he 3 like wearing glasses when he has his meals.

Mr Johnson has a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He likes 4 very much. He often talks about his 5 and his classmates at the table. Mr Johnson is angry(生气). “Don’t talk when you have meals. Be a good boy.”

One day, when they’re 6 dinner, Jack sees a fly (苍蝇) in his 7 bowl. He wants to tell his father 8 it . His father looks 9 him and says,“ stop talking!”

After dinner his father asks him,“ What do you want to say?” “There 10 a fly in your bowl. And you’ve eaten (吃下) it now.”

1. A. at B. in C. on D. for

2. A. works B. to work C. work D. working

3. A. isn’t B. don’t C. aren’t D. doesn’t

4. A. talking B. talks C. talk D. talked

5. A. factory B. hospital C. school D. bank

6. A. have B. having C. has D. to have

7. A. mother B. mother’s C. father D. father’s

8. A. about B. with C. to D. at

9. A. for B. after C. at D. out

10. A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t D. is

四. 根据汉语的意思完成句子。

1. 我们有一份记者工作给你。

We have a job _______ you ______ a _______.

2. 假如你需要一份工作,请拨打电话555-6298 给萨姆。

_______ you ______ a job, please ______ Sam _____ 555-6298.

3. 你想要一份令人兴奋的,但是有点危险的工作吗?

Do you want an _______ but _______ ______ ______ job?

4. 当人们外出聚餐时,我会很忙。

I’m very ______ ,______ people go out to ______.

5. 我认为他的工作是无聊的,但是他却很喜欢。

I ______ his work is very ______,but he ______ it very much.

五. 阅读理解


Aunt Lin works in a bank. The bank is not far from her home. It’s about 3 kilometers away. So Aunt Lin, seldom(很少) goes to work by bus. She often goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes her 20 minutes to go there by bike or 35 minutes on foot. Today her bike is broken. She wants to walk there. Now she’s having breakfast. She leaves home at ten to eight. Her work starts at half past eight in the morning finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.

1. Aunt Lin is a

A. teacher B. reader C. bank clerk D. doctor

2. Aunt Lin often goes to work

A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot D. by car

3. How long does it talk her to walk there?

A. 10 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 20 minutes D. 35 minutes

4. What time does she often leave home by bike?

A. At 7: 30 B. At ten to eight C. At 8:10 D. At a quarter to five

*5. Usually she gets back home at

A. 5: 00 B. 5:05 C. 5:20 D. 5:30


There are four people in my family. My father is a policeman. His work is kind of dangerous. He’s very busy. He often has meals outside. Sometimes we can’t see him all day. But I love him very much. My mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a reporter. She says her job is a boring and being a reporter is interesting, because she can meet many interesting people. My brother is a waiter. He likes his work, because he thinks he can meet many new friends when he works.

I’m a middle school student. I study hard because I want to be a teacher. I think it’s not difficult for me.

判断对错 (正确 T 错误F)

1. My family has four people, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

2. My father works in another city, so we can’t see him all day, sometimes.

3. My mother likes to be a bank clerk.

4. My brother works in a restaurant. He likes to make new friends.

5. I want to be a teacher. It’s easy for me ,I think.

六. 书面表达


提示:1. 你想做什么工作?

1. 你为什么想成为这样的人?

2. 那么你该怎么做来实现你的理想?


一. 1. kind of dangerous 2. Thieves 3. talking with people 4. hospital, nurses

5. interesting, interested

二. 1-5 CDAAA 6-10 ADBBB

三. 1—5 BADAC 6—10 BDACD

四. 1.for, as, reporter 2. If, need, call, at 3. exciting, kind ,of , dangerous

4. busy, when, dinners 5. think, boring, likes/enjoys


六. 略


标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
