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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9895

1. uncle, do

A: __________________________________________________

B: __________________________________________________

2. would, when

A: __________________________________________________

B: __________________________________________________

A: __________________________________________________

B: __________________________________________________

3. where, from

A: __________________________________________________

B: __________________________________________________

4. many, family

A: __________________________________________________

B: __________________________________________________


阅读后,完成后面的短文。 ( 5分)

Kate is an American girl. She is twelve years old. She hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. She is now in China. Her father works at a large company in Guangzhou, Guangdong. So Kate and her mother live in Guangzhou. Now Kate studies at a middle school. She is in Grade Seven. She isn’t good at Chinese. Liu Mei is in the same class. They’re good friends. Liu Mei often helps Kate with her Chinese, and Kate often helps Liu Mei with her English. On the weekend, Kate often goes to Liu Mei’s house. They play games with Liu Mei’s friends. Kate is very happy. She likes China. She loves her Chinese friends.

Kate __________ from the U.S.A. She ________ live in America now. Kate is the __________ child in her family. She lives in _________ with her __________. Kate __________ Liu Mei are in the ________ class. Kate helps Liu Mei with her __________ and Liu Mei helps Kate with her ___________. Kate is very happy __________ her Chinese friends.


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
