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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9532

1. 名词 不可数名词

可数名词 salad food broccoli, 无复数,前面不可以直接跟数词和a/an

① 名词的复数 不规则变化 tooth→teeth, Chinese→Chinese, man→men


②名词所有格:“’”/“’s” 如:Lucy’s , the teachers’

Jim and Tom’s father Jim’s and Tom’s pants

2. 代词:指示代词、人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、疑问代词、不定代词等。

⑴ 指示代词: this------- that










代词 myself yourself


⑶不定代词:some 用于肯定句和客气请求的疑问句

any 用于否定句和疑问句

类似的有anybody, anything 等等。

3. 数词:基数词和序数词



第八省t,第九无e; ve 要用f替;逢十(-ty),y 要变ie;



1) Monday is the _______ day of a week.(two)

2) There are __________ months in a year.(twelfth)

3) My birthday is on May the ________. (three)

4) Jim is his _________ name. (one)

4. 动词

1) 动词的第三人称单数形式:规则变化:-s/.-es/ies

不规则变化: be-→is have→has

2) 动词不定式:to+动词原形(常跟在want后面)

3) 情态动词:can后面接动词原形,无人称、数的变化。

5. 词类变化(由一词类变成另一词类,构词法知识)

1) China-→Chinese Japan-→Japanese

2) good -→best 3) relax-→relaxing interest→

4)tire-→tired 5)thank-→thanks

6)birth-→birthday 7) music-→musician

8)teach-→teacher run-→runner run-→running

9) health-→healthy swim -→ swimming

Exx: a) ________ for your help. (thank)

b) I think P.E. is ______________. (relax)

c) I want to be a ______________. (music)

d) Sandra is a ______________. (run)

Key Patterns:

1. ---What’s your name? ---- My name’s Gina.

2. ---What’s this in English? ---- It’s a pencil.

3. ----How do you spell it? ---- P-E-N-C-I-L.

4. -----Where are my pants? ---- They are on your bed.

------ Where’s Lucy? ---- She’s at home.

5. ----Do you have a soccer ball? ---- Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

6. ----- Does he like apples? ----- Yes, he does. (No, he______.)

7. -----How much is your sweater? ----- It’s $30.

8. ----- What color is his t-shirt? ------ It’s red.

----- What color do you want? ------ Yellow.

9. ----Do you want to go to a movie? ---- ____________.

10. ----- What kind of movies do you like? ---- Action movies.

11. ----- When is your birthday? ---- My birthday is June 23rd.

12. ---- How old are you? ----- I’m thirteen (years old).

13.---- Can you dance? ----- Yes, I can. (No, I _____.)

14.------ What club do you want to join?

------- I want to join the swimming club.

15. ----- What can you do? ------ I can play the guitar.

16. -----What time do you usually go to school?

------ I get up at six o’clock.

17. ------What time is it? ------- It’s a quarter to six.

18. ------What’s your favorite subject?

------- My favorite subject is science.

19. ------ Why do you like P.E? ----- Because it’s fun.

20. ----- Who is your math teacher? ------ Mrs Black.


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
