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七年级英语A Sunday Visit同步检测

[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9588


We Want You!

WANTED: Do you want a busy and exciting job? Are you good at talking with people? Do you like to write stories? Do you want to work for a TV station? If your answer is “Yes” , then we want you as a(an)_______.

Please call John at 4223-6577.

( )35.What does the word “ wanted” means?

A. 招工 B. 解雇 C. 面试 D. 合格

( )36. They are looking for ___.

A. a teacher B. a reporter(记者) C. an actor D. a driver

( )37. Where can we read this ad(广告)?

A. In a picture B. In a dictionary C. In a newspaper D. In a story book

( )38. Can you tell us something about the word “ exciting” ?

A. 令人不满的 B. 令人高兴的 C. 令人愤怒的 D. 令人兴奋的

Ⅴ. 根据句意、首字母和汉语意思完成单词

1. When you a________ in Beijing, please call me.

2. Your mother is w________ for you at the school gate.

3. When you visit someone, please k________ at the door.

4. I often help my mother w________ the dishes.

5. ---Why are you late today? ---B________ I get up late.

Ⅵ. 根据汉语意思翻译成英文

1. 妈妈炒得一手好菜。My mother ________________________.

2. 你的父亲每天七点钟上班。Your father ________________________.

3. 现在是下午六点钟,李莉正在读书。

It’s 6:00 o’clock in the afternoon, Lily ________________.

4. 奶奶经常上午洗衣服。Grandma often ________________________.

5. 他们每天早晨7:00到校。

They ________________________________.

6. 老师要求同学们慢慢地一个接一个地读单词。

The teacher ________________________________.

7. 在中国,老师总是告诉学生背新单词。

In China, the teachers always ________________________________.

8. 现在她取得了巨大的进步。Now she ________________________.

9. 爷爷正带她去他的小花园。Grandpa ________________________.

10. 午饭后,张方帮妈妈洗盘子。

After lunch, Zhang Fang ________________________.


I. 1~5 BDBAC II. 1~5 DBDBB 6~10 DBACB 11~15 BABAC III. 16~20 CCDDA 21~25 BBCAC IV. A 26~29 BCCD B 30~34 ABBDB C 35~38 ABCD V. 1. arrive 2. waiting 3. knock

4. wash 5. Because VI. 1. cook delicious dishes

2. goes to work at seven o’clock every day

3. is reading a book

4. does some washing in the morning

5. get to school at seven o’clock every day

6. asks the students to read one word after another slowly

7. tells the students to learn the new words by heart

8. makes a lot of progress

9. is taking her to his small garden

10. helps her mother wash the dishes


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
