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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9569



69. 请在(4)处.填上一个合适的动词_______________

70.What’s Mr King doing?



Today is Sunday Lucy wants to visit her friend, Lisa. Lisa’s house is on Bridge Street. It is far from Lucy’s house, so Lucy takes a bus in front of the supermarket. The supermarket is just next to her house.

The bus goes down New Street and then turns left. Now it is on Center Street. It goes straight and goes across Bridge Street. It takes Lucy to KFC. Then Lucy has to walk to Lisa' s house. She passes the post office and the bank on her right. She arrives at Lisa' s house now.


71. Lucy 所乘坐的公共汽车走的是图中a、b、c哪条路线?

72. 读完短文后,你能猜出A和B分别是什么场所吗?写出其英文名。

A. B.

73. 根据图中内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。

( )(1)KFC is between the shoe store and Lisa’s house.

( )(2)There is a pay phone in front of the hotel.

74. 将文中划线的句子译成汉语。


Is the bank on the left or the right of the post office?



We often talk76. ________ the weather. If we want to know about the weather, we can turn 77._______ the radio and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TV and 78.______ the Weather Forecast. And we can ask79._______ people in two 80.________ ways, “What’s the weather like today?” or “How is the weather today?” Sometimes you can 81._______ at 121 for the weather.

When it’s 82. _______ , we shiver(发抖) and need to wear warm 83. and scarves. When it’s 84. ________, we need raincoats or umbrellas(雨伞). When it’s 85.______ , we need a cool place and want a cold drink.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

81. 82. 83. 84. 85.


86. The hospital needs two ____(man) doctors.

87. Everyone ______(miss) their friends when they are lonely.

88. There _____(be) a computer and two desks in the room.

89. The girl ______(like) wearing the sweater. Look! She _____(wear) a red sweater today.

90. Most boys enjoy ______(watch) basketball games. Now, they are having fun ______(watch)basketball games.

91. Where are they? They are _____(run) on the playground.

92. Do you like a _____(sun) day? –No. I like a ______ day. Look! There are many _____(cloud) in the sky.

93. It’s a _______day. Look! It’s ________ (rain)right now.

94. My mother tells me __________(study) hard.

95. Walk _____(cross) the street, you can see a library.


96. Where is the library?(写出同义句)

Could you tell me how the library?

97. They are enjoying themselves.(写出同义句)

They are______ a ______ ______.

98. How’s everything going?(写出同义句)

________ it _______?

99. She is in a red coat.(写出同义句)

She _____ _____ a red coat.

100. My father is reading a newspaper in the living room.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ _________ mother _______ in the living room?

101. Can you tell me the way to the hospital?(写出同义句)

________ _______ the hospital?

102. There are 20 classes in our school.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

________ _______ 20 classes in your school?

________, _______ ________.

103. I sit behind Jimmy.(写出同义句)

Jimmy sits _________ _______ _________ me.

104. The library is between the shop and the park.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______the library?

105. She often plays the violin.(用now替换often)

She ______ _______ the violin now.


A. Thank you very much

B. Can I go to the post office?

C. I’m sorry I don’t know.

D. How can I get there?

E. How far is it form here?

F. Is there a post office near here?

G. There is a post office next to the supermarket.

A: Excuse me , where is the post office?

B:___106___ You can ask the policeman.

A: Thanks.

(The woman goes to the policeman.)

A: Excuse me. __107___

C: No. But there is one next to the supermarket.


C: It’s about one kilometer away.

A: __109___

C: You can take the No.19 bus.

A: __110___

A. You’re welcome.

106. 107. 108. 109. 110.



每幅图片对应活动:watch TV, read a book, play tennis, clean the room, swim.

Here are some photos

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
