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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语辅导   阅读:9481




1.I'm writing to request more information about the day tour to London.

2. I'm writing for more information about the day tour to London.


1. I'd like to know if you have any special prices for students.

2. What about time for shopping? Is it included in the schedule?

3. As for lunch, is it included in the price?

4. Can you tell me more details about the trip?

5. Please let me know the scheduled return time.

6. I wonder if you could tell me more about the trip.

7. I also want to know how long the tour will last.

8. I have one final question, is there any time scheduled for shopping?


标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语辅导
