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初二英语随堂Seeing the doctor Lesson 70知识点

[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语辅导   阅读:9685

【摘要】“初二英语随堂Seeing the doctor Lesson 70知识点”本文为编者带来了初二英语知识点,供大家参考,希望可以给大家带来帮助:

Period: The Second Period

Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge aims

(1) Understand the text.

(2) Learn how to use some useful words and phrases

2. Ability aim

Retell the story in your own words.

Language Focus: Words and phrases: dream, be tired, wake up, be good for, as soon as, fall asleep, be busy doing, again and again

Teaching Procedures:

a) Organizing the class

T: Greet the students and a student gives a duty report related to what’s going to be learned.

b) Revision

1. Check their homework. Ask them to act their own dialogues out.

2. Read some good sentences in the students’ homework.

3. Quiz: Nothing serious. I have a headache and a cough. Let me take your temperature. What does she have to do? She didn’t feel like eating anything. Take this medicine three times a day.

c) Leading-in

T: talk about the questions in groups.

1. Do you sleep well every night?

2. Do you often have dreams?

3. Do you remember your nicest/worst dream?

4. Could you please describe your last dream?

5. What do you think of the dreams?


T: Let the students share their talking and choose two or three students to say in class.

d) Presentation

T: 1. Dream is something which one seems to see or experience during sleep.

2. dream, dreamed or dreamed

T: Ask the students to look at the picture and try to say something about it.

T: Listen to the tape and try to understand it.

Then ask the students to read the text together and individually.

e) Teaching language points

1. be tired

I am always tired when I wake up in the morning.

He was very tired after the travel.

2. wake up

What time do you usually wake up?

He woke up early yesterday morning.

3. be good for somebody

Sometimes dreaming is good for us.

Doing exercises is good for the people.

4. as soon as

Last night, as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden.

The teacher went out of the classroom as soon as the class was over.

5. be busy doing sth.

They are busy reviewing the lessons now.

What are you busy doing these days?

6. again and again

We had to play the same piece again and again all night.

The teacher asked the students to read the text again and again.

f) Practise

标签: doctor   初二英语辅导
