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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语寒假作业   阅读:9311

(     )30. When a child realizes he should stand on his own feet, he has grown up.

A. stand up quickly                  B.go somewhere on foot

C.get up by himself                  D.depend on himself

第二节    单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


(   )31. This toy Mickey Mouse _______be Amy's. She's the only kid at the picnic.

A.must            B.can         C. need           D.can't

(    )32.-- Your English is so good. How do you study English?

-- I study English          listening to the tapes every day.

A. in         B. by        C. to        D. for

(    )33. --You are a brave boy, Tom.

-- In fact, I ________ afraid of the dark.

A. must be    B. used to       C. used to be     D. use to be

(    )34. If you don not know the word,              in the dictionary.

A.look up it   B.look it up   C.look at it   D. find it

(    )35.-- Nobody is perfect, but everyone is different ______________ others.

A. from          B. of            C. with          D. in

(    )36. -- He went to see the teacher who was in hospital yesterday.

-- ____________.

A. So did I.   B. So I did    C. I did so   D. Did so I

(    )37.. --Sam, what would you do if you had one million dollars?

-- I ______ give it to charity.

A. can      B. would        C. could       D.  may

(    )38. Huangyan Island belongs to China.

---Surely it does! We Chinese will never__________it up.

A .cut            B. give           C. mix        D. set

(    )39. Everyone needs to have at least eight      sleep at night.

A.hour            B.hours        C.hour’s       .D.hours’

(    )40.        people are hardly ever tired.

A.Outgoing        B.Confident    C.Shy      D.Energetic

(    )41.I would rather      at home and watch TV than     out in rainy days.

A.stays/goes     B.to stay/to go   C.staying/going   D.stay/go

(    )42. At the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________.

A.what is the spaceship like            B.what the spaceship looks like

C.ho w the spaceship looks 1ike     D.how does the spaceship 1ook like


(    )43. I love places _____________ the people are very friendly.

A. who          B. which         C. where           D. whom

(    )44.Tom used to spend much time playing,       ?

A.usedn’t Tom   B.used he   C.usedn’t he   D.didn’t she

(    )45.      is very important for us to study English well.Because it’s useful in our daily life.

A. It            B. That      C. Who          D. Whose

(    )46.The old man lives      but he doesn’t feel        .

A.alone/alone    B.lonely/lonely  C.alone/lonely D.lonely/alone

(    )47.Tom ______________ sending e-mails _____________ letters.because it is faster.

A.prefer to,  writing             B.prefer,   to write

C.prefers,    to writing          D.prefers to ,   write

(    )48.I think that       lots of speaking practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good learner

A.do              B.to do          C.doing            D.done

(    )49.His parents took          him. Because got the first prize in the competion.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语寒假作业
