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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9178

Who is to blame?

Scientists believe that 99 percent of threatened species are at risk because of human activity. “We are losing animals and plants at a high rate,” says Julia Marton-LefEevre, director general of the IUCN. “We need to change our behavior.” Warmer oceans and over-fishing are changing sea life. This year for the first time corals(珊瑚) made their appearance on the list. The gharial, a crocodile living in India and Nepal, has lost almost 60 percent of its population in the last 10 years. It is a victim(受害者)of habitat destruction.

Still, the news is not all bad. Thanks to efforts made to protect it, the Mauritius echo parakeet, a bird once endangered, has seen an increase in its population. “This shows that protection methods can work,” says Marton-LefEevre. “That’s the message we want to send to young people.”

In China the new reserve(保护区)itself is part of green efforts that have seen more than 2,400 nature reserves of various kinds being set up, covering more than 15 percent of the nation's land area, official figures showed.

"The country's natural resources(资源) have benefited from conservation," said Lei Guangchun, director of the nature reserve department of Beijing Forestry University. "It is a big increase nowadays compared with other countries." Lei said.

The total areas of China’s natural reserves have covered 1.38 million km2, which accounts for 15.4% of China’s area, higher than both the world average(平均水平) of 11% and the rate in most developed countries.

Li Zhong, an official in charge of the nature reserves office with the State Forestry Administration, thought it was important to increase investment(投资) in such reserves at all levels.

59. What do we know about the IUCN?

A. A union for listing animals and plants on the earth

B. A group of volunteers who are interested in wildlife

C. An organization concerning the protection of rare species' survival

D. A government made up officials, scientists and experts

60. What can be concluded from the passage?

A. All the protection methods can’t work.

B. The IUCN does most of the protection.

C. The efforts China makes has paid off.

D. Enough is done in wildlife protection.

61. Which of the following is not the cause of the disappearance of the animals?

A. Bad weather B. Over-hunting C. Warmer oceans D. Habitat destruction

62.Which of the sentence is NOT true?

A. China has been paying great attention to protecting the natural resources.

B. China has set up a lot of natural reserves.

C. The natural reserves in China cover more than 15 percent of the nation's land area.

D. The rate of China's natural reserves is lower than the average of the world.



Below is an introduction to some National Parks of Canada.

Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada

Wood Buffalo National Park is Canada's largest national park and one of the largest in the world. Established in 1922 to protect the last remaining herds of bison in northern Canada, it now protects an outstanding example of Canada's Northern Boreal Plains. The park was named as a World Heritage Site in 1983. Here, visitors can find some of the best examples of karst topography in North America, unique Salt Plains.

Banff National Park of Canada

Banff's rich history dates back to 1885, when three railway workers came across hot mineral springs surfacing from deep within the mountains. This discovery led to the establishment of Banff National Park, and marked the beginning of Canada's national parks system. Covering 6,641 square kilometers of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows and rivers, Banff National Park is one of the world's premier destination spots. Banff is home to a number of outstanding geological and ecological features, including the hot springs and the Castleguard Caves, Canada's longest cave system.

St. Lawrence Islands National Park of Canada

Conceived in the 1870s, St. Lawrence Islands is one of Canada's

oldest national parks. Located in the scenic 1000 Islands Tourist Area,

this tiny jewel has a rich and complex natural human history. Centuries

ago, aboriginal peoples referred to it as the “Garden of the Great Spirit”.

Today, 24 scenic islands, along with a mainland area at Mallorytown

Landing, are included in the park. Here, water is the main attraction. Both

power and sail boaters stop at the park's islands on the way to the

St. Lawrence River.

Grasslands National Park of Canada

It was here Sitting Bull that took refuge after the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. Grasslands National Park is the first national park of Canada to preserve a large part of the mixed prairie grasslands. This magical land of diversity, beauty and history is divided into two blocks. The East Block contains the Killdeer Badlands and the Wood Mountain Uplands, and the West Block preserves the Frenchman River Valley and the dissected plateaus, coulees and famous 70 Mile Butte. It provides visitors opportunities for camping, hiking, horseback riding, biking and nature viewing in one of the last frontiers of the Canadian west.

63.In order to learn the human history on the islands you’d better go to ___________.

A. Banff National Park B. Grasslands National Park

C. Wood Buffalo National Park D. St. Lawrence Islands National Park

64. Banff National Park was built because ___________.

A. there were lots of scenic islands B. there were many valleys and mountains

C. mineral springs were found in Banff D. there was no national parks in Canada then

65. From the passage, we can know that ___________.

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