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[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语试题   阅读:9465

The Monkey with the Wooden Apples

There once was a happy monkey in the jungle. He was wandering all days, eating delicious fruit when hungry and 36 when tired. One day he came upon a house, where he saw a bowl of the most beautiful 37 . He took one in each hand and ran back into the forest.

The monkey tried to eat them, but hurt his teeth. The apples were made of wood, but they were beautiful, and when the other monkeys 38 them, he held onto them even tighter.

The monkey admired his new possessions proudly as he wandered the jungle. They glistened (闪亮) red in the 39 , and seemed perfect to him. He became so attached to them that he didn't even notice his 40 at first.

A fruit tree reminded him, but he felt the apples in his hands. He couldn't bear to set them down to reach for the fruit. In fact, he couldn't 41 , either, if he was to defend his apples. This proud, but less happy monkey continued to walk along the forest trails.

The apples became 42 , and the poor little monkey thought about leaving them behind. He was tired and hungry; he couldn't climb trees or collect fruit with his hands 43 . What if he just let go?

Letting go of such 44 things seemed crazy, but what else could he do? He was so tired. Seeing the next fruit tree and smelling its fruit, the monkey stopped. He 45 the wooden apples and reached up for his meal. He was happy again.

Like that little monkey, we 46 carry things that seem too valuable. Letting go off them seems crazy. But 47 : only with open hands can we receive something else.

36. A. walking B. shouting C. resting D. crying

37. A. bananas B. pears C. stones D. apples

38. A. pinked B. carried C. saw D. enjoyed

39. A. rain B. sun C. shade D. wind

40. A. appearance B. hunger C. danger D. home

41. A. stop B. look C. relax D. breathe

42. A. heavier B. larger C. taller D. cheaper

43. A. full B. dirty C. wet D. flat

44. A. expensive B. delicious C. strange D. valuable

45. A. finished B. dropped C. sold D. passed

46. A. always B. seldom C. never D. sometimes

47. A. copy B. write C. remember D. hope


Directions: Complete the following passage by using ONE word that best fits the context.

A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He had 48 seen them before, so he began: “My name is Stone, and I’m even harder than stone. 49 play any trick on me, and then we’ll get 50 well together.”

Then he went to each soldier one after 51 and asked him his name. “Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly,” he said, “and don’t forget to call me Sir.”

Each soldier told him his name 52 he came to the last one. This man remained silent, and so Capt in Stone shouted 53 him, “When I ask you a question, answer it ! I’ll ask you again: “ What’s your name?”

54 soldier was very unhappy, but at last he replied, “My name is Stonebreaker, Sir.” 55 said nervously.


Directions: Read the following three passages.Each passages is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choice s marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


When a child is told he is "uncool", it can be very painful. He may say he doesn't care, and even act in ways that are opposite of cool on purpose. But ultimately, these are simply ways to handle sadness by pretending it's not there.

Helping a child feel better in school had to be careful. If you say, "Why are you worried about what other children think about you? It doesn't matter!" children know that it does matter. Instead, an active way may be best. You could say, "I'm going to do a couple of things for you to help you feel better in school."

If a boy is having trouble making friends, the teacher can help him. The teacher can arrange things so that he has chances to use his abilities to contribute to class projects. This is how the other children learn how to value his good qualities and to like him. A teacher can also raise a child's popularity in the group by showing that he values that child. It even helps to put him in a seat next to a very popular child, or let him be a partner with that child in activities, etc.

There are things that parents can do at home, too. Be friendly when your child brings others home to play. Encourage him to invite friends to meals and then serve the dishes they consider "super". When you plan trips, picnics, movies, and other shows, invite another child with whom your child wants to be friends.

What you can do is to give him a chance to join a group that may be shutting him out. Then, if he has good qualities, he can start to build real friendship of his own.

56. A child who has been informed of being "uncool" may ________.

A. care nothing about it B. develop a sense of anger

C. do something uncool purposely D. pretend to get hurt very much

57. A teacher can help an unpopular child by ________.

A. seeing the child as the teacher's favourite

B. asking the child to do something for partners

C. forcing other children to make friends with the child

D. offering the child chances to show his good qualities

58. How can parents help their child fit in better?

A. By cooking delicious food for him.

B. By being kind to his schoolmates.

C. By forcing him to invite friends home.

D. By taking him to have picnics in the park.

59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Children doesn't care others' comments on them.

B. It's only teacher's work to make children popular.

C. Parents should take their children out for picnic and shows more often.

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