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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语试题   阅读:9689

"You are being 40 for your quick thinking and showing great care and 41 for your driver, and because of you, he will be just fine," the plaque 42 .

Noah doesn't care for the sudden 43 . He had to be coaxed (哄劝) by Kimball to attend Tuesday' s ceremony. "I just did what was the right 44 to do," he said.

But Noah wasn't shy when asked whether he was 45 Steve's return to work.

“Oh, yeah!” he said.

26. A. strange

27. A. perform

28. A. as if

29. A. pick up

30. A. calmly

31. A. when B. normal

B. behave

B. in case

B. drop off

B. quietly

B. as C. noisy

C. serve

C. the way

C. pull up

C. faithfully

C. which D. busy

D. look

D. now that

D. carry out

D. sincerely

D. that

32. A. admitted

33. A. called

34. A. school

35. A. still

36. A. by

37. A. admirable

38. A. in terms of

39. A. provided

40. A. recognized

41. A. guidance

42. A. agrees

43. A. celebration

44. A. attitude

45.A. looking up to

B. declared

B. reminded

B. neighbourhood

B. even

B. for

B. desperate

B. in honor of

B. sent

B. involved

B. concern

B. applauds

B. shock

B. thing

B.getting along with

C. insisted

C. responded

C. hospital

C. soon

C. in

C. hopeful

C. in memory of

C. supplied

C. approved

C. curiosity

C. reads

C. instruction

C. person

C. living up to

D. indicated

D. visited

D. bus-stop

D. thus

D. without

D. thankful

D. in favor of

D. presented

D. remembered

D. determination

D. writes

D. excitement

D. time

D. looking forward to



1、首页2、 阅读理解3、参考答案

第二部分 阅读理解 (共二节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


Blogging may have psychological(心理的) benefits for teens suffering from social anxiety, improving their self-esteem and helping them relate better to their friends, according to the new research published by the American Psychological Association. "Research has shown that writing a personal diary and other forms of expressive writing are a great way to release emotional stress and just feel better," said the study's lead author, Meyran Boniel-Nissim, PhD, of the University of Haifa, Israel. "Teens are online anyway, so blogging enables free expression and easy communication with others."

Blogging has a stronger positive effect on troubled students' well-being than merely expressing their social anxieties and concerns in a private diary, according to the article published online in the APA journal Psychological Services. Opening the blog up to comments from the online community strengthens those effects.

The researchers randomly surveyed high school students in Israel, who had agreed to fill out a questionnaire about their feelings on the quality of their social relationships. A total of 161 students -- 124 girls and 37 boys, with an average age of 15 -- were selected because their scores on the survey showed they all had some level of social anxiety or stress. All the teens reported difficulty in making friends or relating to the friends they had. The researchers assessed the teens' self-esteem, everyday social activities and behaviors before, immediately after and two months after the 10-week experiment.

Four groups of students were assigned to blog. Two of those groups were told to focus their posts on their social problems, with one group opening the posts to comments; the other two groups could write about whatever they wanted and, again, one group opened the blog up to comments. The number and content of comments were not evaluated for this experiment. The students could respond to comments but that was not required. Two more groups acted as controls -- either writing a private diary about their social problems or doing nothing. Participants in the writing and blogging groups were told to post messages at least twice a week for 10 weeks.

Four experts, who held master's or doctor’s degrees in consulting and psychology, assessed the bloggers' social and emotional condition via their blog posts. Students were assessed as having a poor social and emotional state if they wrote a lot about personal problems or bad relationships or showed evidence of low self-esteem.

Self-esteem, social anxiety, emotional stress and the number of positive social behaviors improved significantly for the bloggers when compared to the teens who did nothing and those who wrote private diaries. Bloggers who were instructed to write specifically about their difficulties and whose blogs were open to comments improved the most. All of these results agreed with the two- month follow-up.

The authors admitted that the skewed(有偏向的) sex rate was a limitation to the study. However, the researchers analyzed the results separately by gender and found that boys and girls reacted similarly to the experiment and there were no major differences. However, they said future research should attempt to control the subjects sex.

46. The selection of students for the experiment was largely based on____.

A. their social relationships B. their self-esteem

C. their problems in social life D. their willingness to fill out a questionnaire

47. What’s the function of “controls” (Paragraph 4) in the experiment?

A. To write down some social problems in a private diary.

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标签: 2014   高三英语试题
