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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语试题   阅读:9934

Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model (a 6-month-old baby), in the child-development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.

I felt proud! I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable (不可缺少的) to mankind than “just another mother.”

Motherhood... What a glorious career! Especially when there’s a title on the door.

56. How did the female clerk feel at first when the writer told her occupation?

A. Cold-hearted.    B. Open-minded.

C. Puzzled.       D. Interested.

57. How many children does the writer have?

A. 3    B. 4    C. 7    D. 13

58. Why did the woman clerk show more respect to the writer?

A. Because she thought the writer did admirable work.

B. Because the writer cared little about rewards.

C. Because the writer did something that she had little knowledge of.

D. Because she admired the writer's research work.

59. What is the point of the article?

A. To show that how you describe your job affects your feelings toward it.

B. To show that the writer had a grander job than Emily.

C. To argue that motherhood is a worthy career.

D. To show that being a mother is hard and boring work.


Sydney Airport International Terminal—Arrival Area


Newslink: Two separate Newslink stores cater to all your reading needs including newspapers, magazines and the latest bestsellers.

Downtown Duty Free: Make sure you shop at Downtown Duty Free for great savings on a range of items including perfume, alcohol, skincare and cigarettes. It’s your last chance before customs.

Beach Culture: A must for those into the latest in beach clothing. Top surfer street and fashion labels including Mambo, Stussy and Quicksilver, including children’s sizes.


Blue Sky Cafe: Speedy service leaves you time to keep an eye on the arrivals gate. Fresh milk, coffee, lemon juice, beer, whisky, ice-cream, soda water, cakes and dumplings are on sale.

Macdonald’s: hamburgers, fries, pancakes, toasted potatoes, muffins, Pepsi, Coca-Cola and chocolates—all your family favorites. Breakfast served until 10:30.


ATM: ATMs are conveniently located throughout Arrival and Departures. Dollars, pounds and francs and RMB are all available.

Vodafone Rentals: This communications center offers the very latest technology for mobile phone rentals, sales and serving.

60. Where is the passage likely to appear?

A. A morning newspaper.    B. A monthly magazine.

C. A geography book.      D. An official guide.

61. The underlined phrase “cater to” probably means ________.

A. satisfy    B. afford    C. support    D. help

62. You may have better choices to deal with _________.

A. your hunger problem in Blue Sky Cafe and your thirsty problem in Macdonald’s

B. your thirsty problem in Blue Sky Cafe and your hunger problem in Macdonald’s

C. your hunger and thirsty problems in the Blue Sky Cafe

D. your hunger and thirsty problems in the Macdonald’s


Why doesn’t the unemployment rate ever reach zero? Economists, who generally believe that supply tends to meet demand, have long thought about this question. Even in good times, i.e. not now, there are people who can’t find work. And even in bad times, i.e. now, there are job openings. With over 14 million people out of work and looking for a job, you would think every available job would be filled. But that’s not the case. Not now and not ever.

On Monday, the Nobel Prize committee awarded the prize for economics to the three scholars who have done the most to explain this phenomenon. Two of the winners are Americans, Peter Diamond of MIT and Dale Mortensen of Northwestern. The third winner is Christopher Pissarides, who teaches at the London School of Economics and was born on Cyprus.

Like most of economics, what they have found about why the jobless and ready-employers don’t find each other seems obvious. You have to find out there is job opening you are interested in. Employers need to get resumes (简历). It takes a while for both employers and employees to make the decision that this is what they want. And these guys came up with a frame-work to study the problem of why people stay unemployed longer than they should and what can be done about it.

So what would today’s Nobel Prize winners do to solve the current problem of the unemployed? And does the awarding of the prize contribute to the politicians’ lowering joblessness?

Speaking from his north London home, Pissarides told The Associated Press the announcement came as “a complete surprise” though his work had already helped shape thinking on both sides of the Atlantic.

For example, the New Deal for Young People, a British government policy aimed at getting 18-24-year-olds back on the job market after long periods of unemployment, “is very much based on our work,” he said.

“One of the key things we found is that it is important to make sure that people do not stay unemployed too long so they don’t lose their feel for the labor force,” Pissarides told reporters in London. “The ways of dealing with this need not be expensive training – it could be as simple as providing work experience.”

63. According to the writer, which is true about finding jobs?

A. It is always difficult to find a job.

B. Everyone can find a job in good times.

C. Contrary to popular belief, it is easier to find a job in bad times.

D. It is possible to find a job even in times as bad as now.

64. What is it that leads to their winning the prize?

A. They have found the reason for unemployment.

B. They have put forward a set of ideas to deal with unemployment.

C. They have found out why people don’t want to be employed.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高三英语试题
