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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语试题   阅读:9871

C.Raphaelle Peale. D.Sarah Miriam Peale.

50.The author’s attitude toward the Peales is in general _______.

A.puzzled B.excited C.admiring D.disappointed


LV Tiantian, a graduate student majoring in ethics at Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang,has spent years reading Aristotle and Plato.She has debated with classmates about the meaning of “happiness” and in written papers about the role of morality in society.But as LV prepares to enter the professional world,she's finding that her background isn't getting her a lot of job interviews.“Employers do not seem to value the theories and philosophy that we liberal arts majors have learned,”said LV,24.“I earned far fewer interview chances than those majoring in more practical subjects in science and technology.”

According to a 2009 survey conducted by Zhongqing Shijia Survey Net and China Enterprise News,science graduates enjoy higher employment rates and salaries than liberal arts students do.Things aren't much different overseas.The New York Times reports that job listings for professors in English,literature and foreign languages dropped 21 percent for the 2008-2009 academic year----the biggest decline in 34 years.As a result,some American educators are calling for universities to abandon the “old Ivory Tower view of liberal education”.They want to put more emphasis on the practical and economic aspects of education.

Chinese educational experts tend to agree up to a point.But abandoning emphasis on the humanities altogether,they say,brings great risk.“The liberal arts do not generate any tangible(实体的)material wealth,but it does convey social values.And it passes spiritual heritage from one generation to another,”said Niu Dakui,an expert on education at Beijing Normal University.“If the humanities are discarded, our youngsters will lose their way.”

Anthony T.Kronman,a professor of law at Yale,goes even further.He argues that the greed,irresponsibility and fraud that put the world in the current financial mess will only get worse without a new emphasis on the humanities.In his view,this is the time to re-examine “what we care about and what we value”—something that the humanities” are extremely well-equipped to address”.

How this debate plays out may very well determine the future of Chinese high school education.Some people want high school students to be able to specialize in science during their high school years.Others think they should get a more rounded education with a substantial number of hours in the arts and humanities.

51.The example of LV Tiantian listed in first paragraph tells us that __________.

A.the current job market has been hard on students from the humanities

B.fewer employers want graduates with backgrounds in science and technology

C.more employers want graduates good at languages,literature and history

D.graduates find it hard to get job interviews,let alone a good job

52.According to the passage,that science graduates have a brighter future in their career than those majoring in humanities is __________.

A.a nationwide problem B.a worldwide phenomenon

C.an individual issue D.a regional matter

53.What does the underlined word “discarded” mean in the third paragraph?

A.adopted B.abandoned C.strengthened D.exchanged

54.Anthony T.Kronman points out that the root of the recent economical crisis is ___________.

A.the poor economic reforms led by the government

B.the poor knowledge in finance taught by the university

C.the weakness in personality caused by lack of literature

D.the well-equipped schooling provided by the college

55.What is the best title for this passage?

A.The Meaning of “Happiness”

B.The Debate on Liberal Arts and Science

C.Job Chances and Major Subjects

D.Social Values and the Financial Mess

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)




Are you interested in “Dream of the Red Mansion”(Hong Lou Meng)?Listen to a lecture on this classical novel.

Venue: National Museum of Chinese Modern Literature (Beijing)

Time: 9:30 a.m.

Price: free

Tel: 010 – 84615522 B

“Jiaguwen” is among the oldest pictographic characters in the world.How much do you know about it ? Get all the answers at this free lecture.

Venue: Dongcheng District Library (Beijng)

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Price: free

Tel: 010 – 64013356


Former United Nations interpreter Professor Wang Ruojin speaks about her experiences at the UN and shares her understanding of the cultural differences between East and West .

Venue: National Library of China (Beijing)

Time: 1:30 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.

Price: free

Tel: 010 – 68488047 D

Qi Baishi, one of China’s greatest modern painters, was also a poet, calligrapher and seal- cutter.Can you appreciate his works ? Then come to spend the time with us.

Venue: Beijing Art Academy

Time: 9:00 a.m.– 11:00 a.m.

Price: 10 yuan

Tel: 010 - 65023390


It is the year of the Dog, and you can see “Fu” everywhere.But how much do you know about dogs – man’s best friend ?what is “Fu ” and where does it come from? Why do people hang “Fu” character upside down on the door ? Get all the answers from this free lecture .

Venue: Capital Library (Beijing)

Time: 2:00 p.m.

Price: free

Tel: 010 - 67358114 F

About 160 cultural relics from Guangdong, Macao and Hong Kong are on display to April

15 th.Meanwhile experts will talk about the important roles these three cities have played in the past two thousand years of Sino – Western exchanges.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高三英语试题
