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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  一年级英语试卷   阅读:9330


Vocabulary (12 marks)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (12*1=12 marks)

1. Today is Hui‘s birthday. Her friends are __________ it with her.

A. spoiling B. playing C. celebrating D. remembering

2. Nick’s pet __________ is growing

bigger by the day.

A. snail B. terrapin

C. fish D. whale

3. Thank you for the _________ present.

A. horrid B. awful

C. lovely D. ugly

4. During the blackout, David lit a __________.

A. torchlight B. candle C. paper D. cigarette

5. The lion is a/an __________ animal.

A. fierce B. adorable C. gentle D. friendly

6. The huge monkey _________ from tree to tree playfully.

A. flies B. flips C. swings D. sways

7. The ________ is crossing the busy road.

A. passenger B. victim C. pedestrian D. vehicle

8. Please clean the chalkboard with a _________.

A. handkerchief B. duster

C. napkin D. cloth

9. I was so tired that I kept __________.

A. yawning B. grinning

C. smiling D. eating

10. The snail is _________ slowly.

A. jogging B. walking

C. swimming D. crawling[

11. I put ________ on my toothbrush.

A. toothpaste B. flour

C. perfume D. cement

12. Please speak __________. I can‘t hear you.

A. softly B. quickly C. loudly D. carelessly

Grammar (38 marks)

Answer the questions in complete sentences using the words in the brackets. (4*2=8 marks)

13. What is Jasmine doing now? (reading, listening, music)


14. How did the monster look? (gigantic, three legs)


15. Why did the boys run to the telephone booth? (ambulance)


16. What happened when the bell rang? (pupils, returned, classrooms, orderly)


Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)

17. Fish are ( over, covers, covered ) with scales.

18. The shoplifter ( who, which, what ) was arrested by the police was a boy from

that school.

19. The stray cats are ( look, looks, looking ) for food.

20. His wallet was ( steal, steals, stolen ) by a young girl.

21. We can ( find, finds, found ) seashells on the beach.

22. Henry paid a princely sum ( for, with, on ) the mansion.

23. Ann was taking a bath when the telephone ( ring, rings, rang)。

24. Rambutans ( is, are, am ) hairy fruit.

25. Desmond has ( take, takes, taken ) Helen’s calculator.

26. The speeding motorcyclist was stopped ( by, with, at ) a policeman.

27. Peter and Moses plan to stay ( in, on, at ) the library for one hour.

28. Kenny has ( go, going, gone ) out for lunch.

29. They put ( in, on, out ) the fire before it spread to other houses.

30. He sat ( on, in, onto ) the beach for a long time listening to the waves.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (8*2 = marks)





标签: 暂无联系方式 一年级英语试卷
