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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  一年级英语试卷   阅读:9799

Comprehension MCQ (10 marks)

Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.

John was in a queue to board the bus. When it was his turn, a man came and squeezed up the bus. John felt angry. He looked around for a seat but could not find any seat except the one beside the rude man. John sat unwillingly beside him. He noticed that the man was very young and had an earring on his left ear. He was listening to the walkman. The music was so loud that John could hear it. John knew that he would not enjoy his bus ride beside such an inconsiderate passenger.

A while later, the young man‘s mobile phone rang. He answered the call and spoke so loudly that the passengers in front turned to look at him and John. Not wanting the passengers to think he was the young man’s friend, John alighted at the next bus stop.

49. John felt _________ to sit beside the young man.

A. unhappy B. happy C. excited D. worried

50. John sat beside the young man because _________.

A. he wanted to talk to the young man

B. he wanted to see whether the young man was wearing any earring

C. the young man was very rude

D. there was no other empty seat

51. John thought that the young man was inconsiderate because _________.

A. the young man listened to the walkman

B. the young man talked very softly

C. the music that the young man was listening to was very loud

D. the young man‘s mobile phone rang

52. The passengers in front turned to look at John and the young man because


A. the young man’s mobile phone rang

B. the young man listened to the walkman

C. they wanted to know who sat behind them

D. the young man was talking loudly

53. John alighted at the bus stop __________.

A. when he reached his destination

B. when he knew he missed his destination

C. beacuse the young man talked very loudly

D. beacuse he did not want the rest of the passengers to think that the

young man was his friend

Comprehension OE (10 marks)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

To encourage the young people in Singapore to read widely, our government builds many libraries and holds reading campaigns yearly. There are many books in the library. There are non-fiction books and fiction books, reference books and magazines. Books provide knowledge about the world we live in. Reading is a good way of knowing the happenings in the world and the people around us. We gain a better understanding of people of different cultures and their customs. It is good to cultivate the habit of reading as knowledge is power. It also enables one to speak and write better.

54. How does the government encourage the young people in Singapore to read

more books?



55. Name two kinds of books that you can find in libraries.



56. What do books provide?



57. Which word in the passage means ‘develop’?



58. Why is it good to cultivate the habit of reading?



Guided Writing (20 marks)

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words and phrases in the box.

A Filial Child

tidies his bed

household chores

washes the plates and bowls

waters the plants

listens to parents

studies diligently











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标签: 暂无联系方式 一年级英语试卷
