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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9551



一 、听音, 标号。

1. Look, I can see 11 kites and a black bird.

2. What’s in your box? Chocolates.

3. Let’s fly kites

4. Look, I have 16 crayons.

5. How many rulers do you have? 7.


1. How many ducks do you have? 18.

2. How many rabbits do you have? 20.

3. How many cats do you have? 19.

4. How many fish do you have? 13.

5. How many pigs do you have? 15.


1. How many crayons do you have? 12.

2. This is my new ball. B-A-L-L ball.

3. Let’s draw a picture.

4. What’s your number? I’m 12.

5. L, M, N, raise your leg.


1. What’s 2+2=?

2. What’s 9+10=?

3. What’s 10+10=?

4. What’s 7+5=?

5. What’s 6+6=?

五. 听音,完成单词。10%

1. bird 2. how 3. key 4. milk 5. lion 6. no 7. jump 8. bag 9. girl 10. many


1. J, J, J bounce the ball

2. I’m from America.

3. M, M, M, meow, meow, meow.

4. I can see three rabbits.

5. C C C, have a seat.

6. A A A, say OK.

7. E E E, drink the tea

8. D D D, make a B

9. A B C D E, read after me

10. E F G H I, say “Hi”


1. How many girls can you see?

2. Look at my new crayons.

3. I’m from America.

4. Point to “main” .

5. Draw a picture .


1. Schoolbag , colour the schoolbag green , green .

2. Ball, colour the ball red, red.

3. Kangaroo , colour the kangaroo brown, brown.

4. Kite , colour the kite yellow , yellow .

5. Ruler , colour the ruler purple , purple .


1. Look at my new crayons.

2. Let’s go to school.

3. How many pens do you have?

4. Where are you from?

5. Who’s that man?


1. Write down the small letter “ l ” .

2. Write down the big letter “M” .

3. Write down the big letter “ J ” .

4. Write down the small letter “k ” .

5. Write down the small letter “ n ” .



www.xiaozhibei.com小学频道      三年级英语试题

标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语试卷
