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[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9120


good don’t some Course like some get

Sally---Do we have apples at home, Mum?

Mum ---No, we d .

Sally ---Let’s go and g some apples in the fruit shop(商店). Apples are g for us.

Mum ---Yes, Let’s go.

Sally ---Let’s get s apples, tow for you, two for daddy and two for me.

Mum ---Fine. Let’s get s grapes. I like grapes. What about you?

Sally ---I l pears. Can I also(也) get some pears?

Mum ---Of c .


Ben: Where is my toy car?

Xiaoling: Is it in your desk?

Ben: No, it isn’t.

Xiaoling: Look, it’s beside the books.

Ben: No, Xiaoling, that is mot my car. It’s Mick’s. My car is red.

Xiaoling: What is that behind the bag? It is red. Is it your car?

Ben: No, it isn’t. it’s Jimin’s toy bus.

Xiaoling: Ben, What’s that in your hand?

Ben: Oh, Silly(傻的) me. It’s my toy car.

1. Ben is looking for(寻找) a toy . A. car B. bus

2. Ben’s toy car in his(他的)desk. A. is B. isn’t

3. Is beside the books. A. Mike’s toy B. Jiamin’s toy bus

4. Mike’s toy car red. A. is B. isn’t

5. Jiamin’s toy bus is the bag. A. beside B. behind

6. Ben’s toy car is . A. in his hand B. in his bag

广州版 最新版英语三年级2013年复习题 (5)


( ) A. sister B. father C. mother D. aunt

( ) A. lovely B. cute C. pretty D. thin

( ) A. man B. short C. heavy D. strong

( ) A. mother B. cousin C. woman D. aunt

( ) A. who B. where C. what D. family

( ) A. he B. she C. you D. my


1. 照片

2. 婴儿

3. 表兄弟

4. 快乐的

5. 爷爷

6. 可爱的


1. Thin

2. New

3. Old

4. Tall

5. Strong

6. Long


1. ( )---is this a photo of your brother, Sam? ---

A. Yes, he is B. No, it is C. Yes, it is

2. ( )–who is the strong man in the photo?

--- my uncle.

A. He’s B. shes C. She’s

3. ( ) The tall is my aunt.

A. man B. doll C. woman

4. ( ) My father’s brother is my .

A. cousin B. aunt C. uncle

5. ( ) My cousin’s sister is my .

A. cousin B. aunt C. sister

6. ( ) My grandmother is my mother’s .

A. mother B. aunt C. cousin

7. ( )---The pretty lady in front of the car?

---she is my aunt Linda.

A. who’s B. what’s C. where’s

8. ( ) Is this of your family?

A. Photo B. photos B. a photo


Sally---What is this, Xiaoling?

Xiaoling --It’s a photo

Sally ---Is it a photo of your family?

Xiaoling ---Yes, it is . This is my grandmother and this is my grandfather. Thie man behind my grandfather is my father. The lady beside my father is my mother.

Sally ---Who are this man and this women ?

Xiaoling --The man is my uncle, the woman is my aunt. Thie girl beside my uncle is my cousin.

Sally ---Who’s the boy behind you?

Xiaoling ---he’s my brother.

Sally ---He ‘s strong and tall.

Xiaoling ---Yes, he is.

Sally ---Do you have a sister?

Xiaoling ---Yes, I do. But she is not in the photo.

1. Xiaoling’s grandmother in the photo. A. is B. isn’t

2. In the photo, Xiaoling’s grandfather is her(她的) father. A. behind B. in front of

3. Xiaoling’s cousin is beside her in the photo. A. aunt B. uncle

4. Xiaoling is in front of her . A. cousin B. brother

5. Xiaoling’s isn’t in the photo. A. brother B. sister

广州版 最新版英语三年级2013年复习题 (6)


Model: one girl---three girls

1. One eye---two

2. One ear--two

3. One pen---five

4. One apple --

5. One uncle---three

6. One cat---five

7. One lady---seven

8. One family --


1. ( ) How many people there in the room?

A. is B. at C. are

2. ( ) --- Zhang Mai?

--- He’s Zhang Li’s brother.

A. Who’s B. What C. Where’s

3. ( ) -- bananas are there on the table.?

---There are four.

A. Where B. How many C.How old

4. ( ) --- are you? ---I am seven.

A. How old B. How many C. How

5. ( ) There are seven people in my family. I have a big family.

A. So B. And C. But

6. ( ) My grand father is old. He is strong.

A. so B. but C. and


Sally--Is this a photo of your family, Mathew?

Mathew ---Yes, it is .

Sally ---You have a big family.

Mathew ---Yes. I have three aunts, two uncles and seven cousins.

Sally ---But there are ten children in this photo.

Mathew ---I have a brother and a sister. Look, this tall boy is my brother and this girl is my sister.

Sally ---Your sister is lovely.

Mathew ---Thank you.

Sally ---Who’s the strong man behind you? Is he your father?

Mathew ---No, that’s my uncle. My farther is here, behind my grandfather.

1. Mathew has uncles. A. two B. three

2. There are children in the photo. A. seven B. ten

3. Mathew has . A. one brother B. two brothers

4. Mathew’s brother is . A. tall B. short

5. In the photo, Mathew’s is behind Mathew. A. uncle B. father

6. In the photo, Mathew’s fathers behind his (他的) A. grandfather B. grandmother

广州版 最新版英语三年级2013年复习题 (7)


1. horse

2. cat

3. pig

4. duck

5. chicken

6. mouse


1. ( ) The horses are my .

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