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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语试卷   阅读:9261


( ) 1.Linda ____ my sister. A. is, B. are, C. am

( ) 2.They ___ three children. A. has B. are C. have

( ) 3.Tom’s mother is his father’s ____. A. wife B. husband C. daughter

( ) 4.Jim and Lucy ____ their son and daughter. A. is B. are C. am

( ) 5.This is ____ family tree. A. Janet’s B. Janet C. Ben

( ) 6. _____ uncle is a strong man. A. I B. Me C. My

( ) 7. Who ____ Mary? A. is B. are C. am

( ) 8. My grandfather is my father’s __. A. brother B father C. mother

( ) 9. ___ name is Jane. A. Her B. His C. she

( )10. ___ is that tall man? A. What B Who C. Who’s

( ) 11. The toy pig is ___ my mother. A. from B. of C. do

( ) 12. ___ you have a bike? A. Are B. Is C. Do

( )13. This one is ____ A. China B. American C. Britain

( )14. ____ postcards are for my grandmother. A. That B. This The

( )15. ___ are you from? A. What B. Where C. Who

( ) 16. They are ____ from nFrance. A. and B. but C. both

( )17. ____ you german? A. Are B.Do C. Is

( )18. The stamps are from _____. A. Australisn B. French C. China

( )19. Look, this postcard has a guinea pig ___ it. A. to B. no C. on

( )20. I don’t like those stamps because they___beautiful.

A.aren’t B.are C.isn’t

( )21.___ is Jiamin’s bedroom? A. Who B.Where C. What

( )22. ___ stool? A. Who B. What C. Which

( )23.Put them ___ the corner. A.in B. under C. by

( )24.There are ____ many things in the room. A. so B. a C. some

( )25.There is a spider____ the ceiling. A. at B. on C. beside

( )26.My bedroom ____ a wardrobe. A. have B. is C. has

( )27.___ the clock on the bed. A. Put Let’s C. Play

( )28.___ a map of China. A. Let B. Draw C. Put

( )29. What’s ___ Mr Li’s bedroom? A. in B. by C. at

( )30. Put the ball in ___ of the bed. A. beside B. behind C. front

( )31.Do ___ have a TV in the room? A.she B. he C. you

( )32.It’s ____ sofa. A.I B. my C.an

( )33.Look at those cute toys. They’re from ____ .

A. Britain B. Japanese C.German

( )34.Sally’s aunt ___ a big clock. A. has B.have C. is

( )35.The old man ___white hair is my grandfather. A. and B. with C. has

( )36.That ___ a duck. It’s a goose. A. isn’t B. is C.are

( )37.What’s in ___ bedroom? A. Yongxian B.Xiaoling C.Jiamin’s

( )38.Put the desk ___ the wall. A. at B. in C. against

( )39.There ___ any horses on the farm. A. are B. is C. aren’t

( )40.___ is Lucy from? A. What B. Where C.Who

( )41.There ___ a sofa beside the window. A> is B.are C. be

( )42.They ___ in the box. A.is B. are C.has

( )43.Come ___ , please. A. in B. behind C.beside

( )44.Let’s ___ TV in the bedroom. A. look B. see C. watch

( )45.Are the ___ cookies here? A. some B.any C.not

( )46.They’re ___ the table in the living room. A. on B.in C.front

( )47.Come and ___ a look. A.has B. is C. have

( )48.All the ____ are uupstairs. A. bedroom B.bedrooms C.study

( )49.Come and sit ___ me on the floor. A.white B.with C.and

( )50.Don’t put the computers here.Put___in that room. A.them B.it C.they

( )51.The little dog __ a short tail. A.is B. have C.has

( )52.Look,there are some ___ on the farm. A.goose B.geese C.horse

( )53.____ is the pencil? It’s on the book. A. Who B.What C.Where

( )54.I ___ that school. Because it’s beautifu. A.don’t B.am C.like

( )55.Do they ____ any pictures? A. has B.have C.are

( )56.Are there ___ juice in the cupboare? A.a B.any C.some

( )57.The cat ___ in the room. It’s in the garden. A. isn’t B. is C.are

( )58.Put the map ___ the wall,please. A. under B.on C.in

( )59._____ colour are they? They’re red. A.What B.How C.Where

( )60.There ___ two stools in the room. A. is B.are C. have

( )61.I __ hungry. A. am B.are C.is

( )62.How many ___ are there in the canteen? A.chair B.tables C.desk

( )63.Where are the exercise books? ___ on the desk.

A.It’s B. They’re C. There are

( )64.___rooms are there in the building? A.How many B.Where C. What

( )65._____ is the chalk? It’s white. A. What B. Where C.What colour

( )66.Is the __ room near here? A.teachers B.teachers’ C.teacher’s

( )67___ is the mouse? It’s under the desk. A.What B.How C.Where

( )68.This is ___ school. A.I B.our C.you

( )69.There ____ sixteen chalks in the box. A.are B.is C.am

( )70.___ the desk,please. A.Put B.Look C.Clean

( )71.Look at ____.They’re from Japan.

A.this stamp B.that postcard D.those cars

( )72.Draw ____ apple,please. A.a B.an C.some

( )73.___ bag is on the table. A.He B.She C.Her

( )74.My uncle ____ two sons. A.has B.have C.is

( )75.Are there ____ shelves in the room? A.some B.any

标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语试卷
