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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:9907




( ) 1. A. were B. was C. wasn’t

( ) 2. A. heavy B. happy C. help

( ) 3. A. scare B. scary C. sweets

( ) 4. A. child B. children C. chicks

( ) 5. A. slide B. swing C. small

( ) 6. A. January B. October C. February

( ) 7. A. together B. birthday C. invitation

( ) 8.A. different B. difficult C. family

( ) 9.A. supermarket B. restaurant C. festival

( ) 10.A.Sunday B. Saturday C. Tuesday


( ) 1. There weren’t any slides before .

( ) 2. Sometimes there are restaurants at the supermarket.

( ) 3. They sell food from lots of countries .

( ) 4. The other team got thirty-six points.

( ) 5. Sam’s team played basketball in the school.


( ) 1. A. It’s mine. B. Yes, I am. C. It isn’t mine

( ) 2. A. Thank you. B. That’s OK. C. Great!

( ) 3. A. No, I don’t. B. No, I can’t . C. Yes, I am.

( ) 4. A. I want some sweets. B. There are many sweets

C. People give children sweets.

( ) 5. A. It’s in spring . B. It’s in autumn.

C. It’s in winter.

( ) 6.A. We are playing the flute. B. I made a cake

C. We are going to have a party.


1. We can feed the _________.

2 There wasn’t a pond __________.

3 There was a small ________________.

4. This bag is too ________.

5 They _________ a lot of things.

6 What are you ________ to do?

7 It isn’t _________. It’s _________.

8 _________ skirt is it ?

9 Do you know __________?X-k-b -1.-c -o-m

10 It’s an ____________ to her party.



( ) 1. A. sing B. make C. help D. cake

( ) 2. A. lunch B. party C. lift D. clothes

( ) 3. A. families B. countries C. fruits D. look

( ) 4. A. big B. year C. helpful D. tall

( ) 5. A. park B. supermarket C. classroom D. festival

( ) 6. A. houses B. flowers C. chocolate D. chicks

( ) 7. A. her B. mine C. his D. hers

( ) 8. A. October B. Sunday C. Friday D. Monday

( ) 9. A. wet B. dirty C. rain D. little

( ) 10.A. twenty B. thirteen C. really D. thirty-six


1. Easter hats ____________ 2 an autumn festival ______________

3 scary clothes _____________ 4 wet and dirty _________________

5 birthday cake _______________6 笑_____________


7 夜晚_____________ 8 回复 ________________

9 有时 ______________ 10国家_________________


1 are(过去式)___________ 2 child(复数)_____________

3 you(名词性物主代词)__________ 4 country(复数)_________

5 run (现在分词)___________ 6 can(否定形式)____________ 7 I(名词性物主代词)___________ 8 get(过去式)___________

9 was not(缩写)______________ 10 small(反义词)___________


( ) 1.There weren’t ________ trees before .

A. a B. any C. some

( ) 2. ________ a big supermarket !

A. How B. What C. How a

( ) 3. _________ the birds.

A. Look B. Look at C. see

( ) 4. People ________ children sweets at Halloween.

A. give B. sell C. show

( ) 5.There ________lots of pictures in the room now.

A. was B.were C. are

( ) 6. My shoes and yours are ______ wet .

A. all B. both C. for

( ) 7. _______ are they going to do?

A. Whose B. What C. Where

( ) 8. They go to _________ houses.

A. peoples B. people C. people’s

( ) 9.This is my bike. That’s ________.

A. her B. hers C. your

( ) 10. I am ________ to make a cake for you.

A. go B. going C. went


1 going we are to lunch have together

2 people eggs give chocolate children


3 are English many supermarkets very big


4 any there swings any before weren’t


5 skirt is whose it



( ) 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? A. It’s hers.

( ) 2. Are they going to play football? B. Yes, they are .

( ) 3. What do you want ? C. I want some chocolate.

( ) 4. Are there any swings in the park? D. No, there aren’t .

( )5 Whose toy is it ? E. I’m going to have a party.



五年级上册英语单元专项训练:Unit 6

英语小学五年级上册单元测试题:Unit 5

标签: 暂无联系方式 五年级英语试卷
