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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语知识点   阅读:9164

(2) To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish. 对事实视而不见--你们好多人都是如此的愚蠢。(先行词是不定式短语)

注意1:(1). 当as引导的定语从句位于具有否定意义的主句之前时,as从句所修饰的范围是整个主句的内容,也就是说,把否定意义也包括在内。例如:

As has been said above, grammar is not a set of dead rules. 正如前面所说,语法不是一套死条文。

(2). 当as引导的定语从句位于具有否定意义的主句之后时,as从句所修饰的范围不包括否定意义。例如:

Spiders are not insects, as many people think. = Spiders are not insects. But many people think they are. 许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫,但蜘蛛并不是昆虫。

(3). 当as引导的定语从句位于具有否定意义的主句中间时,as从句所修饰的范围也不包括否定意义。例如:

She did not, as her friend had feared, open the case. 她没有打开盒子,而她的朋友就是怕她当面打开盒子。

注意2: 当修饰句子的非限制性定语从句位于句尾时,as可以用which来替代。例如:

I live a long way from work, as (which) you know. 我住得离工作单位很远,这你是知道的。


As you will find out, I will never let you down. 你将会发现,我绝不会使你失望的。

Taiwan is, as you know, an inseparable part of China. 你们知道,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。


Greenland was not a continent, as people thought. 格陵兰并不像人们所想象的那样是一个大陆。


1. 表示 “好像(某人)”,例如:

They entered the building disguised as cleaners. 他们化装成清洁工人的模样进入大楼。

2. 表示“作为,当作”,例如:

I found a job as a teacher. 我找了一份教师的工作。

3. 表示“当某人是(某身份)时。例如:

As a child, she was sent to three different countries. 她儿时去过三个不同的国家。

4. 表示“因某人是(某身份)”,例如:

As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence. 他是她的私人秘书,能接触到她所有的信件。


As a Party member, I'll take the lead in everything. (状语)

She works as a nurse. (状语)

Tom has me as one of his best friends. (引起宾语补足语)

注意2:as和like都可以作介词,但意义不同。as表示“以实际的身份或地位”。 like则表示“与…相似,以与…相类似的方式”。例如:

(1). He spoke as a teacher.

(2). He spoke like a teacher.



1. as good as差不多,几乎

Don’t worry, the matter’s as good as settled. 别担心,问题差不多已经解决了。

When the car was repaired, it looked as good as new. 这辆汽车修理好的时候,看起来差不多就像新的一样。

2. as if /as though 似乎;好像

He behaved as if nothing had happened. 他装着若无其事的样子。

She treats him as though he was her own son. 她待他好像待自己的儿子一样。

另外,as if可以接一个动词不定式短语。例如:

He waved his hand to me as if to have something to tell me. 他向我挥手好像有什么要告诉我。

3. as well as 同(一样也);和;还

Joan can speak Chinese as well as English. 琼能讲英语还能讲汉语。

He spent all his money, as well as wasting his time. 他不仅浪费了时间,还花光了他所有的钱。

4. such...as, such as 像……这样的

I bought a lot of fruits, such as apples, oranges, bananas and so on. 我买了许多种水果,像苹果,桔子,香蕉等。

We had such books as you never saw. 我们有一些你从未看过的书。

5. as for 至于某人(某事物)

We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for the traffic, we had no difficulty. 在乡下我们度过了一个愉快的周末。至于交通,我们没遇到任何困难。

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