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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语家庭作业   阅读:9663

the way, what did you do yesterday afternoon?

二十. be going to do something 打算做某事,是一般将来时一种常见的表达方式,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next, soon. to 后接动词原形。

1.What you this evening?

A.are,going B.are,doing C.are,going to do

2.What animals you going to look at?

A.do B.are C.will

3.Tomorrow is Children's Day. Helen with her friends in the school.

A.is going to have a party B.had a party C.like having a party



(1)watch look (2)live skate

(3)stop plan (4)study cry


am/is- are- go- come- have-

do- eat- get- fly- make-

See- sit- take- tell- steal-

give- sing- meet- read-

Unit 5 The seasons


go to New York 去纽约 next week 下一周 (比较last week)

work there for one year 在那里工作一年 go to farms去农场

know about the weather 了解天气 the best season 最好的季节

ask questions about … 问有关……的问题

in the countryside 在乡下

the weather in New York 纽约的天气 pick apples 摘苹果

Sounds great ! 听起来太棒了! most of the time 大部分时间

make snowmen 堆雪人 some warmer clothes 一些更保暖的衣服

turn green (指植物)变绿 go rowing 去划船

get longer变得更长 get shorter变得更短

be going to 将要,打算 in summer 在夏天

like … best 最喜欢…… like … better 更喜欢……

as hot as in Nanjing像南京一样热

colder than in Nanjing比南京冷

cool and sunny 既凉爽又晴朗 which season 哪个季节

great fun 乐趣无穷 some clothes for winter 一些过冬的衣服

in each season 在每个季节 lots of snow 许多雪

cold winds 寒风 wait for spring 等待春天

the fine weather 好天气 swim a lot 多游泳

in other countries 在其它国家 kick a ball 踢球

a TV program(me) 电视节目 start to fall 开始凋落

cut out 剪断 different kinds of 不同种类的

in the centre of 在……的中央 land on 着陆


1. 介词for的不同用法:

1) 表示“给,为”。如:a present for Mary 给玛丽的礼物

a letter for you 给你的一封信

2) 表示“开往,前往”。如:the bus for Shanghai 开往上海的车

3) 表示“因为”。如:go to Hongkong for a holiday 去香港度假

come for dinner 来吃晚饭

4) 表示“持续的时间,距离”。如:work there for one year stay at home for a week

5) 表示“功能”。如:some warm clothes for winter

2. 用来询问天气、某人或某物的状况:What … like?

1) 询问天气:What’s the weather like …? 天气怎么样?

回 答:It’s …

如:What’s the weather like today in Changzhou? /

What’s the weather there like in summer?

2)What’s the book like? 这本书(的内容)如何?

What’s your father like? 你的爸爸(外表、长相)如何? He’s a tall and fat man.

3. in + 季节名称

in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter

4. Which season do you like best? I like … best. 最喜欢

Which season do you like better, spring or autumn?

I like … better. 更喜欢

5. 注意词性的变化:区分名词,动词和形容词:

名词:rain雨 wind风 snow雪 sun太阳 cloud云

动词:rain下雨 wind刮风 snow下雪

形容词:(----和be动词连一起)rainy下雨的 windy有风的 snowy下雪的


There’s a rainbow after the rain. 雨过后有彩虹。 (名词)

It often rains. 它经常下雨。(动词)

It’s often rainy. 常有雨。 (形容词)

同义句: It’s often rainy.= It often rains.

It’s often snowy.=It often________.

It’s often _________.=It often _________.

6. The weather in … is colder than in … (注:than后的in不能省掉。)







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标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语家庭作业
