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小学英语作文示例之Lets All Go Out for Food Safety

[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  小学英语作文   阅读:9157

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Let's All Go Out for Food Safety

Nowadays,food safety attract many people's attention.More and more people have health problems because of ate the unsafe food.But,why did it happen?

Some factory owner are willing to do anything to make money.So they produce lots of low quality junk food,and abuse pesticide or food addictives.What's more,they even didn't feel that they have made any mistakes.I think everyone should be seriously to treat food. The factory owner should be pay more attention to the quality than money.

And the supervisor should be rigorous punish illegal factory owner.Consumer should try to choose green foods.If we were do like that, we would have a more safe eating environment.

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