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[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语复习指导   阅读:9387

C. didn’t hear the words        D. came to help him

(  ).39. The underlined part “ the emergency center” means”__________ in Chinese.

A. 购物中心        B. 娱乐中心     C. 急救中心   D.重症监护室

(  ).40.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer’s mother was cooking when his brother fell from the open window.

B. The writer used to go swimming alone in the deep sea.

C. The writer used to have few friends because he hardly told the truth.

D. The writer hasn’t joked on others since he was saved by his friends.



When Michael Ma died,his three best friends went to his funeral(葬礼).They stood for a moment,looking down into the grave(坟墓)of their friend.“He was a good friend,”the first person said.“He was generous(慷慨的)and kind. Let's give him some money to use in heaven(天堂).The other two friends agreed.They thought this was a good idea.

The first friend took his wallet out of his pocket,opened it and took out a $100 bill. Then he threw it into the grave.

The second friend did not want the other two to think he was stingy,so he also took out his wallet. “ You're right,” he said , “He always helped his friends.He should have everything he needs in his next life.And with these words,he also threw a hundred dollar bill into the grave.

The third man looked at the other two,and thought carefully for several minutes.He did not want them to think he was stingy,but he really did hate spending money.

At last,he bent down,took the two hundred dollar bills out of the grave and put them in his pocket. Then he took out his checkbook and wrote a check(支票) for three hundred dollars.He then threw the check into the grave.“ I haven't got any change,” he said,“but that check is for three hundred dollars,so I've given the same as you.”

(    )41. Michael Ma's friends went to the grave yard ______.

A. to find out if there was heaven    B. because they wanted to meet him

C. to attend his funeral     D. because they wanted to pay off their debts

(    )42. Two of Michael Ma's friends gave him some money.

A. because he asked them for it       B. to pay for his grave

C. to pay for his trip to heaven         D. to use in heaven

(    )43.The third friend ____.

A.was very generous     B. made $200   C.gave $100    D. gave $300

(    )44.Which of the following is not true?

A.Michael Ma and his two friends went to a funeral.

B.Michael Ma was well-liked by his friends.

C.The third friend took the $200as the change for his check.

D. The third friend knew that Michael Ma would never cash the check.

(    )45. The best title for this passage is _________.

A.Three generous friends  B.A well-liked person   C.A good-bye gift   D.A trip to the heaven


The spider (蜘蛛) is very little and clever. Its body is made up of two parts. It has four pairs of legs and eight little eyes.

The spider loves work. It begins to work as soon as it begins to live. Every spider is a weaver. Even the youngest spider knows how to weave (编织) its web (网) just as well as the oldest.

The silk of which it makes its web comes from its body. It is like hairs. Many of these hairs come out at the same time, but they are all formed into one rope of silk. It is so thin that a hundred of them together are only as thick as a human hair.

First the spider fasten (固定) one end of the silk thread (丝线) to a leaf or to a piece of wood, then it turns and fastens it to the other end.

When the spider fastens both ends, it can run down the silk and fix some more threads. These are the cross ropes of the web. Then it weaves other lines round them, and makes about twenty rings.

Then spider works hard and fast, and it finishes its work in less than an hour. The web is then so strong that the wind cannot blow it away and the rain cannot break it. The purpose (目的) of the spider’s web is to catch insects (昆虫), which are its food.

Insects cannot walk or fly out of the web, because the spider covers it all with something like glue (胶水), which sticks to (粘) anything that touches the web and holds it fast (牢固).

Not all the spiders are the same sort of work to do.

Some spiders are masons(泥瓦匠). They build houses the size of a big thimble (顶针). They make doors in them, which they shut after them when they go in. They can even fasten the door of the house from the inside, so that no robber can get in.

The garden spider lets thread float in the air till they stick to plants or to the branches of trees. It then uses these threads as the roads or bridges to cross from one place to another.

(    )46. What is the spider’s silk like?

A. It’s very thin. One hundred of them are as thin as a human hair.

B. It’s very strong. It is made of human’s hair.

C. It’s really like human hair and it’s as thin as human’s hair.

D. It’s no color and it is a strong line just like human’s hair.

(    )47. While the spider makes its web,         .

A. first it makes a leaf or a piece of wood

B. first it fixes one end of the silk thread firmly to a leaf or a piece of wood

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