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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语复习指导   阅读:9670



Book 1

Unit 1—5



1.There be 句型 be动词需要按照“就近原则”

Eg:there ____a girl and two boys in the room.

2.some、any的用法 都具有名词和形容词的性质,在句中都可用作主语、宾语或定语。作定语时他们都是既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。

Some like sports,others like music.(作主语)。

I need pa-pe-r, please give me some.作宾语).

Some 用于肯定句,当some用于疑问句表示希望得到对方肯定回答

Would you like some coffe?

Can you lend me some money?


Is there any water in the glass?


You can ask me any questions.

Some ,any 都可与of 连用,作主语或宾语。

3.In the tree on the tree

In the wall on the wall

4. thanks for doing sth

5. a photo of my family=my family photo

A photo of me=my photo

A friend of mine=my friend


Take 是往外拿,bring 往里拿

7. a set of ….


一 、问候




Good moring /afternoon/evening

How do you do?

How are you?

How are you doing?

How are you getting on?

How are things with you?

How is everything going?



Good moring /afternoon/evening

How do you do?

I’m OK/fine./Very well,/…thanks.

Just so so.


All right.


Please give my regards to sb.

Please give my best wishes to sb.

Please give my love to sb.

Say hello to sb

Plaese remember me to sb

Best regards/wishes to sb.

(三) 第二者代第一者向第三者转达问候Sb, send sb’s regards/best wishes/love to you


二 、介绍


My name is Jim/ I’m Jim.

I’m from …./ I come from…..

May I introduce myself?


This is ……..

I’d like you to meet Bob

May I introduce ……….

(三) 应答语

Hello! How do you do ? Nice to meet you.

三 、告别

( 一) 直接的告别辞


I’m sorry /afaid I have to go now.(I must be leaving now.)


Good bye….. See you /soon / later

Let’s hope we’ll meet again,

Hope to see you again.

A pleasant journey to you.

I’ll miyou

四 、感谢


Thank you ,

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for helping me.

It’s very kind/nice of you..

It’s so kind/nice of you.

I appreciate(感谢) your help very much

Thank you all the same .


It's a pleasure. My pleasure. It’s my pleasure.

That’s OK/all right.

Not at all. You’re welcome

Don’t mentiion it.

五 、道歉

(一) 道歉语

Sorry . Excuse me

I beg your pardon.

I’m sorry for losing your bag.

I’m sorry to interrupt you,.

I’m sorry that I’m late.

(二) 应答语

That’s all right./OK.

Never mind . It doesn’t matter.

It’s nothing. Forget it.

(一) 打电话用语

Hello. May I speak to Tom?

Hello. I’d like to speak to …

Is that ……speaking?

Extention six two two six,please?

Can I leave a message?

I’ll call back again/later.

I’ll ring him up again.

(二) 接电话用语

Hello,This is …speaking.

Hello,Who is that

Hold the line ,please

Hold on please.

Just a monment ,please

Hello,Who is speaking?

Sorry. He isn’t here right now.

Can I take a message?

Sorry. I can’t hear you.

The line is busy/bad.

I couldn’t get through.

Sorry . I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

You are wanted on the phone.

There’s a call for you .

Unit 6——10




Can you drive a car ? No , I can’t

Wood can be made into pa-pe-r.

You can go now.

That can’t be true.

Can 在表示能力时和be able to意思相同,但be able to用于不同的时态,can只有现在时和过去时


Could you tell me…….

How much is it?=what’s the price of it?

Running star

Lots of healthy food

For +三餐

We have sweaters in all colors for +价格

Be on sale for +价格

When is your birthday?

My birthday is …..

What year were you born?

I was born in ……

My father often goes to movies with me=My father and I often go to the movies.

词组:date of birth speech contest

School Day Art Festival go to a movie

See a film Learn a lot about For the same reason at a good price for 8 dollars all the other…

Tell sb (not ) to do sth. Tell sb about sth tell the truth tell sb a joke=tell a joke to sb tell a lie tell a story wanted for

be good with be good to be good for

be good at help with


标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语复习指导
