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[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语复习指导   阅读:9264


1.be on the school basketball team

2.at weekends=at the weekend


感官:(。。。上去)look, sound, taste, smell, feel

变得:become, get, grow, turn, go

不变:stay, remain, keep

*seem, appear


如:The music sounds good.

*I feel well. (well=healthy a. )

4. How do you say that in English?

5. 玩的愉快Have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself +doing …

6. 两个:both, either, neither

三个:all, every, none

7. yàies

studyàstudies (y前为辅音)

8. I am always hard-working.

I always work hard.


9. would like to do =want to do

would like sb. to do =want sb. to do

10. too much water 不可数名词

much too fat 贬义形容词

11. a (great/large) number of books

a great deal of water

12. say hi 说话内容

speak English 语言

talk: 1) talk with/to sb. about sth.

2) have a talk

tell 1) tell sb. about sth.

2) tell sb. to do

3) tell a lie, the truth, a story,

4) tell the difference between A and B

13. look at 看

see 看见, 明白

watch: 1) watch birds 观察

2) watch a football game 看在动的东西

Read:1) 读

2) for information a) read the map b) read the website

14. v. open<->close

a. open<->closed

亲密的 close a.

15. each 个体(each of)

every 整体

_______ of the students is here.

A. everyone

B. every one

C. each

[B, C]

àevery one of =each of 其中每一个

16. It is time for sth.

It is time to do …

17. a book of mine


7A 3-4

1.以ly, ing, ed结尾的形容词通常加more, the most

例如:more quickly

more excited

2.Western restaurants 西方的 (大写W)

western countries  地理位置 (小写w)


1)表示程度 clean …up



2)dress up as 乔装打扮

meet up with 约见

call sb. up=call sb.

4.on a cold morning

on the morning of October 31st

5.-You have a nice watch.

-Thanks. I bought it yesterday.

-How I wish to have one like it.

6. a boring film -ing修饰物(主动:令人。。。的)

I feel bored. (修饰人,被动:感到。。。的)

7. across 横穿

1) walk across the street

2) walk across/over the bridge

3) The bridge is six meters across.

Through 内部穿过  walk through the forest

有困难  Walk through the desert

抽象的  Go through my mind

8. on, at

At Christmas

On Christmas eve

On Teachers’ day

9. some的用法

1) Would you like…=Do you want

2) Can I have …

3) What about/How about

10. exercise 的用法

1) 练习题(可数)

Maths exercises

*exercise books (名词修饰名词第一个名词用单数)

2) 锻炼(不可数)

Do more exercise, then you will be slim.

*do morning/eye exercises表示种类可数


11. need用法

1)情态动词 need do àneedn’t do

2) 实义动词 need to do àdon’t need to do

*I ____ any water.

A. needn’t  B. don’t need



Sth. Need doing =sth. Need to be done

The flowers need watering. =The flowers need to be watered.

12. how long时间

How far距离

How often =how many times+范围

How soon多久以后(in+一段时间)

13. people 复数名词谓语动词用复数

民族 a people

56 peoples

a person àpersons


1) lie, lied, lied 说谎

2) lie, lay, lain 躺

3)lay, laid, laid 放,下蛋

15. there be 就近原则 “有“

标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语复习指导
