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[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语复习指导   阅读:9579



( )1. It is ____useful book. I borrowed it from ____school library.

A. an; a    B. a; an       C. a; the          D. an; the

( )2. –Who's your English teacher?

–Miss Gao. She teaches ____ English very well.

A. our     B. us        C. ours         D. we

( )3. —Must I finish the work in two days, Mrs. White?


A. Yes, you need        B. No, you mustn’t

C. No, you needn’t                  D. Certainly not

( )4. –Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?

–The nearest post office? You will have to walk ____.

A. 500-metres away       B. 500 metre far

C. 500 metres farther                D. 500-metre far

( )5. –Mary, what about going boating if it ____ tomorrow?

–Good idea!

A. not rain    B. will rain      C. doesn't rain       D. won't rain

( )6. She is planning on driving. Let's help her ____ some good ideas.

A. come out     B. come up      C. catch up with      D. come up with

( )7. Yesterday, some doctors ____ a ____ boy.

A. had saved, dying  B. saved, dead  C. has saved, dead  D. saved, dying

( )8. I___ in this small mountain village when I was a child.

A. use to live   B. used to living     C. used to live       D. used to life

( )9. We can do the work better with _____ money and _____ people.

A. less, fewer   B. fewer, less       C. less, less      D. fewer, fewer

( )10. — Shall we play football now?

— Sorry, I can’t. Because my mother is ill, I have to ______ her at home.

A. look for       B. look at         C. look after        D. look like

( )11. While I____ with my friend, she came in.

A. am talking   B. was talking     C. talked       D. am going to talk

( )12. All of us enjoy playing computer games, ______ we can't spend too much time on it.

A. and      B. or          C. but         D. so

( )13. Mike is only 15 years old. He is not ______ to get a driver’s license.

A. old enough     B. enough old     C. young enough    D. enough young

( )14. –We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet.

–Really? Will you please show me ____ it?

A. what to use   B. how to use       C. how can I use      D. what can I use

( )15. The students got______ when they watched the interesting film.

A. excited      B. bored       C. sad          D. upset

( )16. —The food is very delicious. I’m very full.

—Why don’t you ______ a walk with me?

A. take    B. to take     C. takes        D. took

( )17. Miss Wang has been afraid of ______ alone since she was young.

A. being        B. be            C. to be          D. is

( )18. —“Do you know ________ ? I’m going to see him. ”

—“Sorry, I don’t know. ”

A. where does Mr. Li live     B. where did Mr. Li live

C. where Mr. Li lives     D. where Mr. Li lived

( )19. John is hungry. He wants to________ eat.

A. something          B. anything        C. nothing        D everything

( )20. — Could you help me write the report?

—__________. I haven’t got time at the moment.

A. No problem   B. No, sorry   C. Yes, please   D. All right

1~5 CBCCC  6~10 DDAAC  11~15 BCABA  16~20 AACAB


My father was my hero, all throughout my ___31____. The father ___32____eight children, he knew his great duty.

When I was very little, he ___33____to be so large. In my eyes he could do ___34____, we all knew he was in charge. He was a man of great strength both physically and in ___35____, but in him there was a gentleness, he found ___36____to be outgoing and kind.

Many ___37____of childhood were greeted with a kiss, and songs to me as I awoke, those days I surely miss. He made me ___38____ so special, "Miss America" he would sing. I knew I had my ___39____ love. It gave me courage to do almost anything. He loved her and his children, so much he gave up years of his life ,caring for this woman,  his wife. Day and night he fought hard for years with her ___40____.

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