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[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语复习指导   阅读:9113

1. A. families  B. family  C. parents  D. brothers

2. A. look     B. do     C. see      D.put

3. A. at       B. after    C. for      D. up

4. A. on      B. of      C. in       D. to

5. A. man     B. girl    C. women   D. woman

6. A. are      B. is      C. look like  D. looking

7. A. sister    B. brother  C. father    D. aunt

8. A. What’s   B. Where’s C. Who’s    D. How is

9. A. his      B. her     C. our      D. their

10. A. looks   B. am      C. look    D. very

三. 在B栏中找出A栏英语句子的正确答语

(A)                        (B)

1. How are you?              A. I am in Row 6.

2. Can you spell it, please?      B. Fine, thank you.

3. How do you do?            C. Yes, b-o-o-k, book.

4. What row are you in?        D. It is ten.

5. What’s two plus eight?       E. Nice to meet you, too.

6. Nice to meet you.           F. I am 14.

7. How old are you?           G. Wang Ping is.

8. Who’s not here?            H. It’s here.

9. Where is the bag?           I. It’s a book.

10. What is this in English?     J. How do you do?

四. 完成对话:在对话后面的句子中选出正确的填入空白处

Jim:  Excuse me, Ann. Whose black dog is this? Is it yours?

Ann:  Let me have a look.________1_______. I think it’s Sam’s. My dog is brown.

Jim:  Sam, look at the dog behind the tree.________2__________?

Sam:  Sorry, it isn’t mine. My dog is black and white. I think it looks like Mary’s.

Jim:  _____________3______________?

Sam:  She’s my friend. Look! She’s over there. Let’s go and ask her.

Jim:  _______________4_______________.

Sam:  Hi, Mary! Is that dog yours?

Mary: _______________5_______________.

Sam:  It’s a lovely dog! Don’t lose it!

Mary: Yes, thank you.

A. Who’s Mary

B. OK, let’s go

C. Oh, no it’s not mine

D. Oh, yes. It’s mine

E. Is it yours

五. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. ________ (He) pen is in ______ (I) pencil-box.

2. ________ (You) shoes ________ (be) under the bed.

3. ________ (Who) new ruler is this?

4. ---Are these trousers _______ (you)?

---No, they aren’t ________ (we)

5. It’s time ________ (go) and play games.

6. This is my pen. Please give it to ________ (I).

7. I have two ________ (baby).

8. Look! That is a ________ (China) car.

9. It is __________ (my teacher) sweater.

10. Now her ________ ( parent) are inAmerica.

六. 阅读理解


Bob was born in a big and rich family. His father is a university professor. He teaches American history. His mother is a very capable woman. She is the manager of a big company. She earns a lot of money, of course. Bob has two sisters and a brother. His elder sister, Jenny, is fourteen. She studies in a middle school. His younger sister, Ann, is ten. She studies in a private primary school. She has a very good memory. She is clever. His younger brother, Dick, is only six. He has just started going to school. Bob gets on well with his family. He is on good terms not only with his parents, but also with his sisters and brother. (have a friendly relationship with sb.) He is, in a word, an apple in their eyes.


1. Bob was born in a small and rich family.

2. He has two brothers and a sister.

3. There are five people in his family.

4. Dick is only six. He studies in a private primary school.

5. “He is an apple in their eyes” means “They love him very much”.


Look at the clothes line in the twins' bedroom. There are some clothes on it. You can see a green blouse and a yellow skirt. The trousers on the clothes line are black. They are not new but clean. Are they Lily's clothes? No. I know they are Lucy's. Lily's clothes are on a clothes tree near the window. Her trousers are brown, her blouse is white and her skirt is blue. There is a new hat on the clothes tree, but it's not Lily's, it's Lucy's. There is an old hat on Lucy's bed in the room, it's Lily's. There are no clothes on the other bed, the bed is Lily's.

1. What can you see in the bedroom? I can see __________.

A. a clothes line   B. a tree  C. a bed

2. What colour are Lucy's trousers? They are ________.

A. green  B. black  C. brown

3. Where is Lucy's hat? It's on _________.

A. the clothes tree  B. the clothes line  C. lily's bed

4. How many beds are there in the room? ________.

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