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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语复习指导   阅读:9110




Total periods

4 periods




The 5th/ 6th week


Grade seven(the second term)

Unit 5 I’m watching TV. (1 period)

Unit 6 It’s raining. (1 period)

Unit 7 What does he look like? (1 period)

Unit 8 I’d like some noodles. (1 period)

Contents for review

Unit 5 I’m watching TV. (1 period)

1、The topic is Everyday activities. 2、The function is to talk about what people are doing. 3、The struture is The Present progressive tense. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 6 It’s raining. (1 period)

1、The topic is The weather. 2、The function is to describe the weather and what you are doing. 3、The strutures are The Present progressive tense, How questions and Yes/No questions and short answers. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 7 What does he look like? (1 period)

1、The topic is Physical appearance. 2、The function is to describe people’s looks.3、The strutures are Yes/No questions and short answers,Present tense to wear and Adjectives of general description. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 8 I’d like some noodles. (1 period)

1、The topic is Food. 2、The function is Other food. 3、The strutures are What questions and Modal verb would. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Total periods

4 periods




The 6th week


Grade seven(the second term)

Unit 9  How was your weekend? (1 period)

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? (1 period)

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? (1 period)

Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. (1 period)

Contents for review

Unit 9  How was your weekend? (1 period)

1、The topic is Weekend activities. 2、The function is to talk about recent past events. 3、The strutures are Simple past of regular and irregular verbs,What questions and How was your weekend?. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? (1 period)

1、The topic is Holidays and vacation. 2、The function is to talk about past events. 3、The strutures are past tense of regular and irregular verbs was/were and How questions. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? (1 period)

1、The topic is Popular culture. 2、The functions are Give opinions and Talk about likes and dislikes. 3、The strutures are Wh-questions,What do you think of…?and I do,too./I don’t,either. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)


Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. (1 period)

1、The topic is Rules. 2、The function is to talk about rules. 3、The strutures are Imperatives,Can for permission and Modal have to. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Total periods

4 periods




The 7th week


Grade eight(the first term)

Unit 1  How often do you exercise? (1 period)

Unit 2  What’s the matter? (1 period)

Unit 3  What are you doing for vacation? (1 period)

Unit 4  How do you get to school?. (1 period)

Contents for review

Unit 1 How often do you exercise? (1 period)

1、The topic is Free time activities. 2、The function is to talk about how often you do things. 3、The strutures are Wh-question,What do…?,How often…?, Adverbs of frequency and All/most/some/none. 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 2 What’s the matter? (1 period)

1、The topic is Health. 2、The function is Talk about your health and Give advice. 3、The strutures are Have for talking about health problems.

4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? (1 period)

1、The topic is Vacation plans.

2、The function is Talk about future plans.

3、The strutures are Present progressive as future and Where,when,how long questions.

4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 4 How do you get to school? (1 period)

1、The topic is Transportation. 2、The function is to talk about how to get to places. 3、The strutures are How questions and Affirmative and negative statements.

4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Total periods

4 periods




The 7th/8th week


Grade eight(the first term)

Unit 5 Can you come to my party? (1 period)

Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. (1 period)

Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (1 period)

Unit 8 How was your school trip?. (1 period)

Contents for review

Unit 5 Can you come to my party? (1 period)

1、The topic is Invitions. 2、The function is Make,accept and decline invitions and Talk about obligations. 3、The strutures are Can for invitions,Modal have to,Present progressive as future for planed actions . 4、Vocabularies(see also The students’book)

Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. (1 period)

1、The topic is Personal traits. 2、The function is Talk about personal traits and Compare people. 3、The strutures are Comparatives with –er,-ier,more and both.

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