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[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语词汇   阅读:9509


Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.


1) I bought lots of ___________ yesterday.

2) ___________ was served after the first course.

3) They caught several frogs, crabs and ___________ in the river yesterday.

4) I think you'd better eat some more ___________ vegetables are good for you.


1) We ___________ follow the instructions when we use the computers.

2) ___________ I have a look at your photos?

3) I thought I ___________ smell something burning.

23.die of/die from

1) Nowadays more people ___________ car accidents on high ways.

2) In fact the little baby ___________ a fever last night.


1) The vase ___________ and broke.

2) Jenny's voice ___________ as the class teacher entered the classroom.


1) Air pollution can cause respiratory problems, especially in children and the ___________.

2) My ___________ brother is ten years ___________ than I.


1) Make sure that lights and other ___________ appliances are turned off when not needed.

2) Avoiding using ___________ dictionary while doing some reading.

3) Simon's father used to be an ___________.

4) I got an ___________ shock from that faulty light switch when I was fourteen.

5) Don't leave the TV on, it wastes ___________.


All of us were ___________ at the ___________ news yesterday.

28. fall/feel

1) The doctor ___________ my forehead and said, "You have got a high fever. "

2) Many trees ___________ in the sand storm last night.


1) The driver felt ___________ last night, so he fell ___________as soon as he lay in bed.

2) When do you go to ___________every day?

3) I took a ___________-car to Beijing last Friday.

30. find out/find/discover/invent/look for/search for

1) Columbus ___________America in 1492.

2) Do you know who first ___________clock?

3) Jane ___________her key to the drawer everywhere just now, but she couldn't ___________it.

4) Please try to ___________who broke the window.

5) The police ___________the criminals for hours this morning.



标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语词汇
