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七年级下新目标英语单元测试题(unit 4—5)

[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9514

( )4.A.be from B. is from C. are from D. comes from

( )5.A.China B. Chinese C. Chineses D. English

( )6.A.is drive B. drive C. is driving D. drive

( )7.A.Other B. The others C. Another D. The other

( )8.A.talk B. talks C. speak D. speaks

( ) 9.A.with B. to C. for D .of

( )10.A.see B. seeing C. to see D. to look

七.阅读理解。(30分) A

Mr Black looks young, but he is 40. He has three children. One of his sons is a doctor. The other one is studying in English. His daughter is working with him in China now.

Mr Black teaches English in a middle school near here. He likes working in China. He says Chinese people are very friendly and Chinese food is very good, too. He can speak a little Chinese. So he goes to Chinese classes on Thursday evening. He doesn’t think Chinese is easy. He says he must study very hard.


( )1. Mr Black is a young man .

( )2. One of his sons is with him in China now.

( )3. Mr Black speaks English very well.

( )4. He learns Chinese every Thursday .

( 5. He likes China because he likes Chinese people and food.


It is a Sunday morning .There are many children in the beautiful park . They are having a good time . Some are playing games under a big tree. Some are singing and dancing. Some boys and girls are running up the small hill. Others are boating(划船)on the lake.

Where is Dick ? He is sitting by the lake. What’s he doing? He is drawing.

Look ! What is Jane doing? She is on the grass. She is running after a nice butterfly. She wants to get it.

( )1. It is today.

A. Monday B Friday C. Sunday D. Saturday

( )2.The children under the big tree.

A. are dancing B. are singing C. are running up the tree D. are playing games

( )3.The children are boating .

A. on the lake B. in the river C. on the hill D. under the tree

( ) 4.What is Dick doing ? .

A. He is running after a bird B. He is singing C. He’s drawing D. He’s boating

( )5.Where is Jane? .

A. She’s in the boat B. She’s on the grass C. She’s by the lake D. She’s on the hill


Today is Sunday. It is a fine day. The sun shines brightly in the sky. The sky is blue. Now it’s nine o’clock in the morning. There’s a sports meeting in the forest on the big hill.

Look, a horse, a deer and a cat are running. They run very fast. Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping. They jump one by one. Two monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying around and singing. They are very happy to watch the animal sports meeting. There’s some other animals there, too. The elephants are standing beside a house. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. The monkey has a flag in his hands. Polly is sitting in the tree. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the trees. They show great interest in watching the meeting.( )1. This article mainly tells us a story of ____________.

A. an animal sports meeting in the forest. B. some good and happy animals in the forest.

C. all the running animals on the hill. D. he life of the animals in the forest.

( )2. How many animals are running and jumping?

A. Fourteen B. Six C. Eleven D. Eight

( )3. Which animals are climbing the trees?

A. Two monkeys B. The pandas and the foxes

C. The elephants and the cats D. The elephants

( )4. From the text we know there are ___________.

A. not any birds living in the forest B. a lot of animals at the sports meeting.

C. many people around the hill D. many birds living in the forest

( )5. Which animal isn’t at the sports meeting?

A. Fox B. Lion C. Elephant D. Cat

八. 书面表达 (10)


father read a book

mother watch TV

grandmother clean the room

Tom do homework

Mary play sprotsl



(-) 1.Who is he talking with? 2.What’s he? 3.What do you want to do ?

4.Here are some of my photos. 5.Lily is dancing. 1—5 DDDAD

(=)1.Where does he work? 2.He teaches English.

3. Why do you want to be an actor?

4.Are you a student?

5. What does your brother do? 1—5 DCDDA

(三) There are some pictures of my family. There are four people in my family. Look ! my father is reading a book. My mother is cleaning the floor. My sister and I are doing homework in the evening. My father and my mother are watching TV now. My sister is playing with a toy. And I am reading some booksnow.



二.1.TV station 2. do homework 3. wait for 4. talk about 5.游泳池

6. 在第一张照片中 7. 电视节目 8. 吃晚餐 9. 因------而谢 10. 通过电话交谈

三.1.are singing 2.listening 3.is reading 4.are having 5.to watch 6.second

7.her 8. children 9.running 10.are

四.1.to be 2.magazine 3.actors 4.speaks 5.waiter 6.music 7.newspaper

8.young 9.dangerous 10.stories

五.1――5 CBACB 6—10 CBBAB 11—15 DCAAC 16—20 BABAA

六.1--5 CABCB 6—10 CDDBC

七. A 1――5 FFTTT B 1—5 CDACB C 1—5 ABABB



姓 名 分数

一.听力 (-) 1――5

(=) 1――5

(三) 1――5


1. 2 . 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.










A. 1--5

B. 1----5

C. 1---5


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
