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Whose jacket is this 同步测试

[10-15 23:24:34]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9360


( ) 66. _______ are from England.

A. Jack and Amy B. Jane and Amy

C. Yukio and Jack

( ) 67. Jane and Amy have _______ hair.

A. red B. black C. blond

( ) 68. ________ are short.

A. Amy and Jack B. Jane and Yukio

C. Amy and Jane

( ) 69. Jack has ________.

A. two big eyes B. a small nose

C. both A and B

( ) 70. Yukio is _______.

A. tall with a round face

B. short with a small mouth

C. short with a wide mouth


Jim Green is an American boy. He is eleven years old. He is in China now. His father, his mother and his sister are in China, too. His father is a doctor, his mother is a teacher, and his sister is a nurse. They have a dog (狗). Its name is Heibei. It is black with two big eyes, two long ears, a small nose and a wide mouth. Jim and I are in the same grade, but in different classes. He is in Class Five, Grade Seven, and I’m in Class Six, Grade Seven.


( ) 71. Jim and his father are in China, but his mother and his sister are in Americanow.

( ) 72. Jim’s father is a teacher.

( ) 73. Jim’s sister is a nurse.

( ) 74. Jim has a white dog.

( ) 75. Jim and I are in different classes.

VII. 书面表达。(共10分)





爱好:唱歌 (sing songs)、看电影 (film)





I. One possible version:

21. nurse 22. bike 23. bag 24. jacket 25. Bananas

26. her 27. photos 28. Whose 29. us 30. buses

31. short 32. young 33. small 34. too 35. their

II. 36-40 CBCCB 41-45 CACBC

III. 46-50 CFEAD

IV. One possible version:

51. Does the woman look young or old?

52. Whose shoes are these?

53. Which girl is your sister?

54. Rose is tall with two long legs.

55. These are my yellow pencils.

V. 56-60 CACCC 61-65 ABBBA

VI. 66-70 ACBCC 71-75 FFTFT

VII. One possible version:

Liu Xiang is my favorite player. He is twenty-four years old. He is tall with black hair and long arms and legs. He is from Shanghai, China. He likes singing songs and seeing films. His favorite color is red, and apples are his favorite food.


36. C。本题的问句是一选择疑问句,故不能用Yes或No来回答,而要有具体的内容。故答案为C。

37. B。由答句“它是棕色的。”可知,问句应问的是“这只铅笔是什么颜色?”。故答案为B。

43. C。由答句“它们是鲍勃的。”可知,问句问的应是“那些裤子是谁的?”。故答案为C。

44. B。在英语中,对于别人的夸奖和赞美,要用“谢谢”来回答。故答案为B。


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标签: jacket   初一英语试卷
