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My Country and English-speaking Countries 单元分课时练习

[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9503

 初一在整个初中阶段很重要,有扎实的基础,会使学习更加轻松。下面就为您推荐内容My Country and English-speaking Countries 单元分课时练习。希望您学习成绩突飞猛进。

My Country and English-speaking Countries 单元分课时练习

一. 单项填空

1. Where _____ you from?

A. are B. is C. do D. does

2. Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia _______ English-speaking countries.

A. is B. are C. do D. does

3. What ______ you want to do in the Spring Festival?

A. are B. is C. do D. does

4. Donuts ______ my favourite food.

A. is B. are C. do D. does

5. Jack _______ like dumplings, rice and noodles.

A. is not B. are not C. don’t D. doesn’t

二. 连词组句

1. does, where, your, father, live ________________________?

2. is, the, U.S. from, Jenny ________________________?

3. from, country, our, Canada, is, far ___________________________?

4. like, Li Ming, does, Western, food ___________________________?

5. do, you, what, want, do, to ___________________________?

三. 读下面的对话并回答问题

Joseph: Hello, my name’s Joseph. Where are you from?

Andrew: Hi, I’m Andrew. I’m from the U.S. What about you?

Joseph: I’m from the U.K. This is my friend, Gao Ma.

Andrew: Nice to meet you. Where are you from?

Gao Ma: I’m from China. This is my friend, Mary.

Mary: Hello. I’m from Australia.

Andrew: Hello, Mary. Nice to meet you.

1. Where is Andrew from? ____________________.

2. Is Joseph from the U.S? _____________________.

3. Where’s Gao Ma from? _____________________.

4. Is Mary from China? _____________________.

四. 阅读理解

His name is Paul. He is from England, and he’s thirteen years. His birthday is December 16th. He gets up at 6:00. He goes to school at 7:00. He has four classes in the morning. He does exercises in the afternoon. He comes home at 5:00. In the evening, he watches TV or reads books. He likes to play on the computer. His favourite food is hamburgers. He doesn’t like meat. On Sunday he goes to the movie theatre.

1. Where is Paul from? ___________________.

2. What does he like to do? _____________________.

3. What is his favourite food? _____________________.

4. What does he do on Sunday? ______________________.

Lesson 58


一. 翻译下列单词和词组

1. the United States ____________ 2. the United Kingdom ___________

3. Australia __________________ 4. country ______________________

5. north _____________________ 6. south ________________________

7. east ______________________ 8. west _________________________

二. 连词组句

1. Sam, the, lives, U.S. in ___________________.

2. from, is, the, United Kingdom, Tony _____________________________.

3. is, from, Australia, far, here _____________________________.

4. wants, Danny, to, eat, donuts _____________________________.

5. don’t, I, hamburgers, like _____________________________.

三. 在下列地图上标出各个国家的名称

1. 2.

3. 4.


四. 用英语标出地图上的方向

Lesson 59


一. 用英语标出下列图画的名称

1. _________ 2. _________

3. _________

二. 在B栏里找出A栏英语句的正确答语

(A) (B)

1. What colour is China’s flag? A. They speak Chinese.

2. What is the capital of China? B. The U.S. is east of China.

3. What country is east of China? C. It’s Beijing.

4. What language do Chinese people speak? D. It’s red.

三. 连词组句

1. Beijing, capital, is, China, the, of ___________________________.

2. China’s, is, red, flag ___________________________.

3. Chinese, speak, Chinese, people ___________________________.

4. China, is, U.S., the, east ___________________________.

四. 回答下列问题

1. What colour is China’s flag? _______________________.

2. What does China’s flag have? _______________________.

3. Where is Tian’anmen Square? _______________________.

4. What is the capital of China? _______________________.

5. What is 故宫in English? _______________________.

Lesson 60


一. 用英语标出下列图画的名称

1. _________ 2. __________

3. ___________

二. 在B栏里找出A栏英语句的正确答语

(A) (B)

1. What colour is Canada’s flag? A. They speak English and French.

2. What is the capital of Canada? B. The U.S. is south of Canada.

3. What country is south of China? C. It’s Ottawa.

4. What language do Canadian people speak? D. It’s red and white.

三. 连词组句

1. Ottawa, the, capital, Canada, is, of ____________________________.

2. red, is, Canada’s, and, white, flag ____________________________.

3. a, famous, Niagara, Falls, is, waterfall, in, Canada


4. south, is Canada, of, the, U.S. ________________________________________.

四. 回答下列问题

1. What colour is Canada’s flag? _______________________.

2. What does Canada’s flag have? _______________________.

3. What is the capital of Canada? _______________________.

4. Where is Niagara Falls? _______________________.

5. Where are the Rocky Mountains? _______________________.

Lesson 61


一. 用英语标出下列图画的名称

1. __________ 2. __________

3. __________

二. 在B栏里找出A栏英语句的正确答语


1. What country is west of the U.S.?

2. Where does the president of the U.S. live?

3. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

4. What city is the capital of the U.S.?


A. He lives in the White House.

B. China is west of the U.S.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
