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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学初中学习网初一学习辅导初一英语辅导资料初一英语试卷My Country and English-speaking Countries 单元分课时练习

My Country and English-speaking Countries 单元分课时练习

[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9503

C. It’s in New York.

D. It’s Washington D.C.

三. 连词组句

1. Statue, Liberty, the, New, York, is, in ____________________________.

2. White, the, president, the, U.S., of, lives, the, House, in


3. the, capital, Washington, D.C., of, the, U.S. is


4. north, is, of, the, Canada, U.S.


四. 回答下列问题

1. What colour is the flag of the U. S.? ____________________________.

2. What does the flag of the U.S. have? ____________________________.

3. What is the capital of the United States? ____________________________.

4. Who lives in the White House? _____________________________.

5. Where is the Statue of Liberty? _____________________________.

Lesson 62


一. 用英语标出下列图画的名称

1. _________ 2. __________

3. _________



1. What colour is the U.K.’s flag?

2. Where do kings and queens live?

3. Where is Buckingham Palace?

4. What do they speak in the U.K.?

5. What is the capital of the U.K.?


A. They live in palaces.

B. It’s in London.

C. It’s red, white and blue.

D. It’s London.

E. They speak English.

三. 连词组句

1. is, this, the, U.K., a, map, of ________________________.

2. west, is, of, China, the, U.K. ________________________.

3. the, capital, of, London, is, the, U.K. _____________________________.

4. in, London, Buckingham, Palace, is _____________________________.

5. a, king, queen, or, the U.K., a, has _____________________________.

四. 回答下列问题

1. What colour is the U.K.’s flag? _________________________.

2. Is the U.K.’s flag the same colour as the flag of the U.S.?


3. What is the capital of the U.K.? _________________________.

4. Who lives in palaces? _________________________.

5. Where is Buckingham Palace? _________________________.

Lesson 63


一. 用英语标出下列图画的名称

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________


(A) (B)

1. Where is Australia? A. Yes, they do.

2. What’s the capital of Australia? B. It’s blue.

3. Do they speak English in Australia? C. It’s southeast of China.

4. What colour is Australia’s flag? D. They live in Australia.

5. Where do kangaroos live? E. It’s Canberra.

三. 连词组句

1. capital, the, Canberra, is, of, Australia _______________________________.

2. flag, the, little, the, U.K.’s, flag, is _______________________________.

3. speak, they, in, Australia, English _______________________________.

4. has, beaches, beautiful, Australia _______________________________.

5. Australia’s, is, blue, flag _______________________________.

四. 回答下列问题

1. What colour is Australia’s flag? _________________________.

2. What does Australia’s flag have? _________________________.

3. What colour are the stars? _________________________.

4. What is the capital of Australia? _________________________.

5. Where do Kangaroos live? _________________________.

Lesson 64





指路:1. 国家:the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia

2. 首都:Washington, D.C., London, Ottawa and Canberra

3. 国旗:fifty stars and stripes, red, white and blue, a leaf, a little flag

4. 位置:east, west, north, south, southeast

5. 名胜:the Statue of Liberty and the White House, Buckingham Palace, Niagara Falls and the Rocky Mountains, Kangaroos and beaches

范文:I know some English-speaking countries. They are the United States, the United

Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

The United States is east of China. Its capital is Washington, D.C.. The flag of the United States is red, white and blue and it has fifty stars and stripes. The famous Statue of Liberty is in New York. The White House is in Washington, D.C. and the president of the United States lives in the White House.

The United Kingdom is west of China. Its capital is London. Its flag is the

same colour as the flag of the United States. The Unites Kingdom has a king or a

queen. Kings and queens live in Buckingham Palace.

Canada is north of the United States. It’s capital is Ottawa. Its flag is red and white and it has a leaf. The Rocky Mountains and Niagara Falls are famous in Canada.

Australia is southeast of China. Its capital is Canberra. Its flag is blue and it has a little flag and white stars. It has Kangaroos and beautiful beaches.


Lesson 57

一. 1.A 2.B English-speaking是一个“名词+现在分词”构成的一个形容词,意思是“说英语的”。 3.C 4.B 5.D

二. 1. Where does your father live? 2. Is Jenny from the U.S.?

3. Is Canada far from our country? 4. Does Li Ming like Western food?

5. What do you want to do?

三. 1. Andrew is from the U.S. be from常常译为“是哪里人”。又如:I’m from Scotland.=I’m Scottish.我是苏格兰人。

2. No, he isn’t. He is from the U.K. 3. Gao Ma is from China.

4. No, she isn’t. She’s from Australia.

四. 1. He is from England. 2. He likes to play on the computer.

3. His favourite food is hamburgers. 4. He goes to the movie theatre on Sunday.

Lesson 58

一. 1.美国 2.英国 3.澳大利亚 4.国家 5.北 6.南 7.东 8.西

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
