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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9786



听力 25%

一 听小对话,选择正确答案。5%

1 Who can play the piano?

A Lucy. B Bob. C Mary.

2 When does the man usually drink tea?

A At breakfast. B After lunch. C Before dinner.

3 How old is the tiger?

A 11 B 12 C 13

4 What is Alex going to do tonight?

A Listen to music. B Play sports. C Watch a basketball match.

5 What does the woman think of lions?

A Cute. B Scary. C unfriendly.

二 听较长对话,回答问题。10%

Dialogue A

( )6 Where are they talking ?

A In the clothes shop. B In a fruit shop. C In a supermarket.

( ) 7 How much does the girl pay for the T-shirt?

A Thirty dollars. B Thirteen dollars. C Sixteen dollars.

Dialogue B

( )8 What does Jim’s father teach at school?

A English B Chinese C Math

( ) 9 When does his school start ?

A At 7:30 B At 8:00 C We don’t know.

( ) 10 How does he go to school?

A By bus. B On foot. C In his car.

三 听独白,选择正确答案。10%

( ) 1 What time does Lucy get up every morning?

A At six clock. B At six thirty. C At seven o’clock.

( ) 2 Why can’t she relax herself on weekends?

A She has to do lots of homework. B She has to clean her room.

C She has to learn the guitar.

( ) 3 How many school rules are mentioned (提及)?

A Two. B Three. C Five.

( ) 4 What does Lucy think of her parents?

A Too strict. B Very kind. C Friendly.

( ) 5 How does Lucy feel now?

A Bored. B Unhappy. C Tired.

笔试 95%

四 单项选择 15%

1 Ben can play ______ soccer, but he can’t play ______ piano.

A the, the, B the ,/ C /, the D / ,/

2 ---______ you stay under the water for two more minutes?

--Are you kidding?(开玩笑) It would kill me.

A Should B Need C Must D Can

3 --_________ does Tony go to school ? -- He usually goes to school at 7:25.

A What’s the time ? B What time C What D When’s

4 --______ does it take you to walk to school? --About 20 minutes.

A How far B How often C How long D How soon

5 –_____French every morning?

--Yes, but now I ____ English.

A Are you reading, read B Do you read, read

C Do you read, am reading D Are you reading, am reading

6 –How does your brother usually go to school? --______ car.

A By B In C On D With

7 –Mike, _____ play with your ruler in class. –Oh, I’m sorry.

A don’t Bdoesn’t C can’t D not

8 I have to get up ____ six___ the morning of Monday.

A at, on B at, in C on, in D on, at

9 –What’s your family rule? --I can’t play after school. I ____ do my homework first.

A can B have to C don’t D can’t

10 Emma says her favorite _____ is meat.

A animal B sport C food D fruit

11 I often ____ the zoo in my free time.

A visit B buy C go D play

12 –Let’s watch TV. --_________.

A OK, I will not B No, thanks C That sounds good D OK, I’d love to

13 There are 25 girls in Miss Green’s class. One of them ______ Singapore.

A come from B are from C comes from D is come from

14--Please don’t run in the hallway. --______, Mr King.

A Thank you B You’re right C Excuse me D Sorry

15 –Thank you for ____ me clean the classroom ! --That’s all right.

A help B helping C helps D to help

五 完型填空 10%

Don’t eat or drink in the lab(实验室). Don’t bring food or 1)_______ to the lab. There are 2)______ reasons(理由)。 First, the bowls and cups are very easy 3)_______ and the food or

Drinks can 4 )_______. They will make the lab dirty. 5)_____, there are many dangerous things in the lab. It isn’t good for 6)_____ if we eat them. If you put the food or drinks 7)____ your mouth in the lab, it is likely that you will 8)____ some of the dangerous things. Of course, it is always a good idea to wash your hands each time 9)____ you leave the lab. Third, food can attract (吸引)some mice(老鼠)and flies (苍蝇). So, if you are thirsty 10)____ hungry, eat outside the lab.

( ) 1 A drinks B vegetables C fruit D milk

( ) 2 A two B three C four D a

( ) 3 A break B breaking C to break D broke

( ) 4 A be out B is out C are out D out

( ) 5 AFirst B Second C Third D Fourth

( ) 6 A us B you C him D them

( ) 7 A to B on C at D into

( ) 8 A make B does C eat D has

( ) 9 A before B after C until D since

( ) 10 A but B or C as D so

六 阅读 30% A

( ) 1 How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

A Four B Five C Six D Seven

( ) 2 Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how much are th e tickets together?

A ﹩ 4.00 B ﹩ 2.00 C ﹩3.00 D ﹩1.00

( ) 3 Which of the following is the visiting time?

A 8:30 am Monday B 9:30 am Friday C 2:00 pm Sunday D 5:00 pm Tuesday

( ) 4 From the passage we can guess the animal “ giraffe”, must be very ____.

A fat B long C strong D tall

( ) 5 Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A To give some food to the fish. B To touch the dogs on the head.

C To throw(扔things everywhere. D To take some nice photos.


My family go to Sydney, Australia this summer. We get there by plane on Friday evening and we walk to our hotel (宾馆). When we get to the hotel, we are very sleepy, , so we don’t go out.

On Saturday, we go around the city . It is very beautiful. We take a hot balloon (气球) to enjoy the city. Then we go to a zoo. We see kangaroos, monkeys and koalas there.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
