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[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9786

In the afternoon we take a bus to a park. In the park the guide introduces (介 绍)nice birds and trees to us. They are different from Chinese birds and trees. We also go to the sea and swim in the water. We take a lot of photos there.

The next day we do some shopping and buy a lot of presents for our friends. We have a very good time there. I hope I can go there next summer holiday.

( ) 6 The word “sleepy” means _____ in Chinese.

A 焦急的 B 困倦的 C 兴奋的 D 喜悦的

( )7 They don’t see ____ in the zoo.

A koalas B kangaroos C tigers D monkeys

( ) 8 What do they do first on Saturday afternoon? _____

A They swim there. B They tale photos there.

C They go shopping there. D They take a bus to a park.

( ) 9 When do they do some shopping?

A On Friday. B On Saturday. C On Sunday D On Monday.

( ) 10 What’s the best title for the passage?

A A Nice Day. B A Zoo in Australia.

C A Great Place for Shopping. D A Great Trip to Australia


任务型阅读。 以下是某校的校规,请根据内容按四个不同场所归类, 并将序号填入下面相应的横线上, 每一横线只能填一个序号。

A. You must not talk with drivers when the bus is moving.

B. Don’t draw on the blackboard or on the walls of the classroom.

C. Return the books in time.

D. You shouldn’t step the grass.

E. Put the books back after you have read them.

F. You must clean the classroom every day.

G. Wait in line for your turn when you are waiting for the bus.

H. You must put away the sports equipments ( 器材) after you have used them.

11 School bus ____ _____ 12 Library ______ _______

13 Classroom _____ ______ 14 Playground _______ ______

15 请你按照以上校规, 用英文写出一条你家的家规。(2分)


七 选词填空。 10%

tell, beautiful, story, write, read, be, on, this, it, about

Dear Tony,

Thank you for your letter. I read it today after school, and now I want to 1)______ you all my hobbies. I like to swim. In summer, I swim every day. I also like 2)______ . I read all kinds of books. I often read two or three books a week. I enjoy writing 3)______, too. I want to be a 4)_______in the future (将来)。

I also like to play with my dog. 5)______ name is Mickey. 6)_____ weekends, we like to go for long walks. Mickey is a big dog, and needs a lot of exercise . There 7)____ a lake near my house. It is a 8)______ place. There are many flowers. Mickey and I like to look at the flowers.

Well, 9)______ are my hobbies. Do you like to read? Do you have a dog? Please write and tell me 10 ) _____ your hobbies.

Your friend,


八 句型变换 5%

1 The children like this story because it’s interesting. (划线提问)

______ _____ __ the children like this story?

2 Ann makes dinner every Sunday. ( 用now改写)

Ann _____ ______ dinner now.

3 My cousin comes from England. (划线提问)

________ ______ your cousin come from?

4 He has to wear a uniform at school. (一般疑问句)

_____ he ______ to wear a uniform at school?

5 My brother can sing and dance.(改否定句)

My brother _____ sing _____ dance.

九 单词拼写 10%

1 There is no bridge and the river runs too q_______ for boats.

2 Their dream is to have a road .Can it come t______?

3 --How does Jane go to school? ---Well, She r________ her new bike every day.

4 When is Tree Planting Day?(植树节) It’s on the t________ of March.

5 I like our math teacher, Mr Wang, he is f________ to us students and really smart.

6 Jack, brush your t______, get ready for bed.

7 Twenty-one and nineteen is f______.

8 –I get up at5:00 am. – Wow! You get up so e_______.

9 Don’t be n_______, they are sleeping.

10 Mr White has two c______, a son and a daughter.

十 书面表达 15%


1) What is your favorite animal ?

2) Why is it your favorite ?

3) Where is it from? / Where does it live?

4) What does it eat?

5) What does it need?

My favorite animal______________________________________________________




一 听小对话,选择正确答案。对话仅读一遍。(录音师注意读完每题停顿5秒)

1 W: Hi, Bob! Can you play the piano?

M: No, I can’t. But Lucy can play it very well.

2 W: Mr. Green, when do you usually drink tea?

M: Usually after lunch.

3 M:: Look at that tiger. He’s very slow.

W: Yes. He’s 12 years old now.

4 W: Alex, there’s a basketball match on TV tonight.

M: Oh, it’s my favorite. I can watch TV tonight.

5 M: I like lions. They are cute.

W: Are t hey cute? I think they are scary.

二 听较长对话,回答问题。对话读2遍, 现在你有10秒钟阅读题目。

Dialogue A

Boy :Can I help you?

Girl :Yes .I am going to a party next Sunday, and I’m looking for a T-shirt to wear.

Boy: What size do you want?\

Girl: S.

Boy: We ll, we have lots of T-shirts in that size. How about this green one?

Girl: Hmm…I don’t really like this colour.

Boy: How about this yellow one?

Girl :It looks nice. How much is it?

B: It’s thirty dollars.

G: That’s a little expensive .oh, this blue one is pretty.

B: It’s only sixteen dollars.

G:I like it very much .I will take it. Here is the money.

B: Thank you.

Dialogue B 现在你有15秒钟阅读题目。

W: Jim, is your father an English teacher?

M: yes, N ow he teaches in No.5 Middle Scho ol.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语试卷
