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初一上册英语知识点: Unit 3 This is my sister

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语辅导   阅读:9738

初一上册英语知识点: Unit 3 This is my sister ,是由www.xiaozhibei.com小编特整理的,主要包括句型、主格、句式、词汇及相关的练习,适合新初一同学们学习,也适合教师教学使用,供大家参考!

Unit 3 This is my sister.

词汇:1.称呼类词汇:sister 姐;妹 mother妈妈 father爸爸

brother兄;弟grandmother祖母;外祖母 grandfather祖父;外祖父

aunt姑母;伯母;婶母uncle叔;伯;舅;姨夫son 儿子

cousin表(堂)兄弟(姐妹) daughter女儿

2. 本单元出现的缩写:that’s = that is he’s = he is

3. 本单元出现的指示代词:these 这些 those 那些

4. thanks for 为……而感谢

句式:1. This/that/These+ be动词+ sb’s …

This is his sister. That is my brother. These are his brother.

2. be动词+代词+…Is this your sister? Is she your sister?

3. Thanks for … Thanks for the photo of your family.

4. Here +be 动词+… Here is my family photo.句型:1,Is this your sister? No, it isn’t.

Is she your sister? No, she isn’t.

2,This is my friend. These are my friends.

That is my brother. Those are my brothers.

3, Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo.

photo of your family = your family photo

语法:可数名词单数变复数:一般情况下加s, book-books, 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加es

watch-watches 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y改为i再加es boy- boys, family-families 以o结尾的有生命的加es, 无生命的加s, tomato-tomatoes, photo-photos

以上“初一上册英语知识点: Unit 3 This is my sister ”是由www.xiaozhibei.com小编提供的,供大家参考。

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标签: sister   初一英语辅导
