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八年级英语U24 Lesson94教学知识点

[10-15 23:09:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语辅导   阅读:9538

【摘要】“八年级英语U24 Lesson94教学知识点”本恩是编者为大家整理的有关初二英语知识点学习,供大家参考,希望通过本文为大家的学习提供帮助:

Teaching design and expectationBy -----;eagle

Based on the analysis of the teaching material. U24 L94 will be carried out as follows:Firstly, I’ll adopt Real-task-use oriented English teaching method, communicative teaching method and integral teaching method. By a lot of practice, esp., the students’ activities, the students’ four skills should be trained and improved to meet my expectation.Secondly, I have arranged five teaching procedures. 1.warming up and leading.

By integrally introducing the passage, I will make the Ss involved into a world of English, moreover, it will make the learning task clear and known to the students and prepare the Ss well for learning the new lesson. 2. presentation, understanding paragraph by paragraph and finding the main idea of each paragraph, the Ss should grasp the theme gradually , partly or integrally. 3. Language points. New knowledge is acquired by illustrating. The language points learnt in this step are difficult and new to the students. 4. Consolidation. By retelling the general idea, the Ss should have a deeper impression of the text. 5. I will arrange written work for the Ss to imitate the passage to write a biography. I intend to improve their writing ability.

Teaching procedure for SEFC 1B U24 Lesson94

Topic: A farming pioneer(1)Teaching material Analysis:Lesson 94 is a reading and comprehending passage, which gives an introduction to A farming pioneer named Jia Sixie and his works called QiMinYaoShu. In this teaching material, how to introduce a person and his thought is the language learning and training focus.

Since it’s a reading passage, reading activities are the main classroom activities, which enable the students to improve their four skills, especially their reading skills and the ability of reading comprehension.

Teaching aims: 1. To help the students master some new words and expressions in the text, such as develop, knock out of, point out, turn over, etc.2. To help the students study the grammar—Indirect speech further.3. To develop the students’ ability of finding specific information from a text and writing in English.4.

To educate and develop the students’ pride in our national advanced culture and help them inherit it, hence, to inspire their patriotism.Difficult points:Reading skill improving and language usingTeaching Methods:Read-task-use-oriented English teaching method;Integral teaching method;Communicative teaching method;Teaching aids: Tape-recorder, projecting apparatus.

Teaching procedures:Step1: Warming up and leading(Having a discussion with the students)Morning, everyoneAs we all know, every day people need a lot of food. And the food mainly comes from the corn, the wheat, the rice and so on. Farmers grow them year after year and provide us with enough food. In our country we still have a lot of people who are farmers. And many farmers still work with their hands though lots of machines are used every day.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语辅导
