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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语知识点   阅读:9973



get on /along with sb,与...相处,   get on well with sb.与...相处融洽

hear about ,hear of 听说,          in fact实际上,

the Hope Schools,希望学校     look after=take care of =care for,照顾

drop out of school,缀学            take part in, 参加

pay for ,支付,付钱                how long ,多长时间

how soon,多久                     get on badly with ,与...相处不好

hear from sb.收到某人的信,邮件等 on the farm ,在农场上

in the last+一段时间,in th past +一段时间in the recent+ 一段时间,这三个用于现在完成时

because of因为...... ,               sell sth.to sb.=sell sb .sth.,把某物卖给某人

buy sth from ...buy sth for sb..给某人买东西      get an education接受教育,

take part in=join参加,            in good/bad health身体健康/不健康,

care about关心,在乎,             take care 当心,

how often隔多久一次,             stop doing sth.停止做某事,

stop to do sth.停下来去做别的事,  dress /undressr+人,

put on/wear/take off+衣,          drop out 退出,离队,

drop in 顺便来访,                 drop out of school 退学

point at 指着,  point to 指向     put on one's clothes穿上衣服

with the help of sb.=wiht sb's help 在别人的帮助下

without the help of sb.无人帮助的情况    at home and abroad在国内外


buy--have  open--be open  join --be in   borrow--keep  die ---be dead

leave--be away   come here---be here  go there--be there  begin--be on

finish--be over   make friends--be friends  get ready--be ready  buy--get /have

arrive/get to /reach/come--be in \be at /stay,  put on--have on /wear  get up--be up

可延续性动词不可以与for 或since 连用,非延续性动词的否定式也可以和for /since连用.

other其他的,另外的,别的;        another另一个人或事物;

the other两个中的另一个;          the others其余的,剩下的人或事物;




标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语知识点
