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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语知识点   阅读:9818


1. on time

2. best wishes

3. give a talk

4. for example

5. short for

6. a waste of time

7. go on a field trip

8. go fishing

9. I agree

10. next week

11. the day after tomorrow

12. have a picnic

13. have some problems doing sth.

14. go the wrong way15. hurry up

16. get together

17. in the open air

18. on Mid-Autumn Day

19. come over

20. have to

21. get home

22. agree with

23. in the country

24. in town

25. all the same

26. in front of

27. on the left/right side

28. next to 29. up and down

30. keep healthy

31. grow up

32. at the same time

33. the day before yesterday

34. at firstII

35. last Saturday

36. half an hour ago

37. a moment ago

38. just now

39. by the way

40. all the time





标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语知识点
