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[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9855




A. 听对话回答问题


( )1. What is Susan’s star sign?

A. B. C.

( )2. what color are they talking about?

A. B. C.

( )3. What’s the boy’s problem?

A. B. C.

( )4. What time did Mike go home yesterday?

A. B. C. ( )5. Why does the man advise the woman to wear red?

A. Because she likes red most. B. Because the woman looks good in red.

C. Because she feels weak.

( )6. What does the man think of himself?

A. He is very active. B. He is clever. C. He likes warmth.

( )7. What do they want to do?

A. To do their homework. B. To hear from each other.

C. To find time for their hobbies

( )8. How will the man go to the post office?

A. By bus B. By taxi C. On foot

( )9. How many countries have the speaker been to?

A. Two B. Three C. Four

( )10.When will the teacher be back?

A. On April 18th B. On April 13th C. On April 15th

B. 听对话和短文回答问题。



( )11. What is Mary like?

A. She is lively, creative and helpful.

B. She can do some extra work, but she is very careless.

C. She is practical and careful.

( )12. Who would they recommend as the new monitor?

A. Mary B. Lucy C. We don’t know


This afternoon We’ll go together on the walk tour of the city.

On Wednesday afternoon We’ll be off to the spots center to 13 .

On Friday afternoon We’ll have film club. This week’s film is 14 .

On Saturday We are going on a day trip to 15 .

On Sunday We’ll go to London.

( )13. A. join the match B. lose weight C. keep fit

( )14. A. Spider-man 3 B. Avatar C. Batman 3

( )15. A. Oxford B. Harvard C. Cambridge


( )16.How long will the students stay in London?

A. Two months B. Two weeks. C. Two years

( )17.Why should the students wear red shirts?

A. English people like red best. B. The students’ school uniform is red.

C. It’s easy for the family to find them.

( )18. What will the students need to take.

A. Four photos and a school letter. B. Four photos and a telephone.

C.A red shirt and a school letter

( )19.What can the students do if they have any problems?

A. Call 65804937. B. Go and see Mrs. Green. C. Ask the family for help.

( )20. When is Mrs. Green in the office?

A. In the morning B. in the afternoon C. Every morning and afternoon



( )21.—Tim, will you support me?

—Sure, meaningful me support charities.

A. it’s; for; to B. it’s; of; to C. this is; for; for D. that’s; of; for

( )22. The river is for them

A. wide enough; to swim across it B. enough wide; swimming across it

C. wide enough; to swim across D. enough wide; swimming across

( )23. I was so_____ at that time that I _______quickly.

A. asleep; was sleepy B. sleepy; fell asleep

C. asleep; fell asleep D. sleepy; felt sleepy

( )24. What ways can you think of the panda?

A. helping B. help C. helps D. to help

( )25.—Do you prefer singing ?—No, I would rather dance than .

A. than dancing; to sing B. to dancing; sing

C. to dancing; to sing D. to dance; sing

( )26. The song is worth because it sounds so beautiful.

A. to listen B. listening C. listening to D. to listen to

( )27. —He’s already back to Australia, _________?

— _________. He is on a visit to Shanghai.

A. isn’t he; No B. hasn’t he; Yes C. isn’t he; Yes D. hasn’t he; No

( )28. The teacher found him and give him some different work to do every day.

A. was clever B. was a clever boy C. a clever boy D. clever a boy

( )29. — _________ helpful information centre it is !

—Yes. ___________ pleased we are with it !

A. How ; What B. How; How C. What; How D. What a ; How

( )30.—Can you came on Monday or Saturday?

—I’m afraid _____ day is possible. I’m busy these days.

A. either B. neither C. any D. both

( )31. — Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Who it be? Is it Amy?

— No, it be her. She is at school now.

A. will; may not B. must; mustn’t C. can; can’t D. may; won’t

( )32.My uncle tells me he hasn’t got a letter from his daughter for a long time. “Got” in the sentence means .

A. taken B. become C. receive D. achieve

( )33. “The girl seems to be happy every day.” It is a structure of



( )34.—Do you know how many students there are in your class on Sundays?

— . We all stay at home.

A. No one B. None C. Nobody D. Nothing

( )35. —Would you please help me with my drawing skills?

— _________. You can come to my studio every Saturday.

A. That’s all right B. With pleasure C. No, thanks D. My pleasure


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语试卷
